Chapter 15: The Hospital

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The twins suggested we take a trip to the shelter. According to them their coach was so forgetful, there had to a clue as to what the password was in the bungalow. Going to the shelter had always been part of our plan but so was going to the hospital for supplies. It was only a matter of time before the detonation announcement was made and getting supplies would be an armed race among the survivors. We also had to go for food and other essential supplies.

We had carried enough food rations to last us two days while we collected the resources we needed. Going in and out of the bunker was not a safe option in almost every capacity. Simply opening the hatch put the rest at risk of infection. Regular movement in and out the bunker would eventually attract unwanted attention which could be dangerous. Before we left the bunker it had been decided that we were to secure all the supplies before coming back.

With just the three of us the mission seemed a little strained. However, with the addition personnel from the show room, we would make it back sooner. Assuming they were on board with the plan. After we shared our survival plans everyone willing got onboard. They did not have much choice considering the imminent nuclear attack. Even if they survived the explosion they would have a hard time getting out from underneath the rubble of the six storey building that lay on top of them.

We spent the next hour proffing the vehicle's we were going to travel in. Between the ten of us there were only three hazmat suits. It would be reckless to drive around in the open without the suits so making sure that the vehicle was airtight was the only way to make it out. Luckily there were plenty of oxygen tanks in the showroom. With a bit of effort from everyone we completed the last truck and each group set out.

We divided ourselves into four groups. The twins and Charles headed for the shelter. Marcus and I went in search for food. Phillip and Nigel went to the hospital. Irene, James and Marcel went in search of clothing and any other sanitary and personal provisions that would be required.

Phillip's P.O.V

We were the first group to leave with a cargo truck, leaving Melissa and my brother's behind. If it were up to me I would have chosen to go with Melissa, however the look Marcus had given me did not allow for room to negotiate. Despite the fact that were more or less the same height, his body bulged with muscles his clothes had a hard time containing. He clearly did not like me and the apocalypse was not the best time to pick a fight.

We followed the directions Melissa had given us and exactly eight minutes later we arrived at the gate. The hospital was in a newly constructed commercial building that was in better shape that the rest of the neighbouring buildings. According to Melissa the hospital had yet to be opened along with every other office in the building which explained why any damage to the building was purely external.

The entrance to the underground parking lot was guarded by steel bars and so was the main entrance. Nigel climbed over the ten foot wall using a grappling hook and a climbing rope leaving me outside while he went to open the gate. Not more than a minute after Nigel left, an infected person appeared and then another and another.

All three had deep cuts and bruises all over their body. The last one to arrive had a cut in his shoulder so deep the bone was visible. An ordinary person would have been dead judging from the severity of the injuries or at the very least incapacitated. The three men in front of me did not look in the slightest bit bothered by their wounds.

They closed in on me making my breath hitch as my heart threatened to escape from my chest. I held onto the spiked bat that had been handed to me by Marcus tightening my grip with each step they took towards me. Despite the fact that they had not risen from the dead, they infected suspiciously bore the characteristics of the walking dead. Whatever was left of thier skin hang loosely on their bones as if they had been starving for ages. Thier movements were sluggish as if each step required an exorbitant amount of energy. Thier pupils were milky white in colour and they seemed wholly dependent on sound. A fact that was prove a second later as one of the infected launched themselves at the reminder of the rope that was hitting the wall.

The infected repeatedly bashed himself against the wall in an uncoordinated attempt to attack the rope. He continued to do so increasing the force with which he threw himself until eventually with a sickening thud his skull cracked open. I tried not to move or even breath as the two remaining infected wondered around aimlessly unintentionally closing in on me. One of the infected brushed against my bat the movement setting him off. He launched himself at me bad shoulder all and I swear I saw his   arms swish around as the remaining muscles detached themselves from the bone they had been barely attached to.

I jumped out of the way my long feet entangling themselves causing me to tumble. The second infected launched himself at me claws and teeth bared. I rolled out of the way just in time as the other infected stamped the ground I had been in. I didn't get the chance to get off the ground as the second infected charged at me again this time landing on me. I used the bat as a shield between me and the rabid man who was trying to get a bite out of me. I used my legs to throw him off barely succeeding as the first infected grabbed my foot.

I stifled my screams of anguish as my foot was viciously yanked careful not to alert another infected. I used the bat to knock out the infected that was pulling at my leg and managed to get him off and in time to knock out the remaining infected whose arm detached for itself from its shoulder. The steel gate opened in time for Nigel to find me vomiting on the ground. He surveyed the area taking in the infected before dragging my gasping ass into the hospital building.

My heart refused to slow down even as the door clicked shut behind us. The pounding in my chest intensified as I my breathing became laboured. The reality that I had almost died and was still entire sure if I had made  if I had made it became a crushing force on my chest. The  last thing I saw was the worried face face of strange woman before I passed out.

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