Chapter 27 : Friendly war.

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"What the hell were you thinking? It's dangerous out here. Those suits only protect you from inanimate threats. There are very real threats out here that you are not equipped to handle" Charles fumed.

"If all goes well we will get to the shelter in time before the bombs go off. That is the best case scenario. Even if everything goes well we will still be stuck underground for over a decade. Not that the surface will be survivable then. It will probably be a century before earth can ever be habitable again. So forgive me for not passing up the chance to get out and see the world for the last time." Ruth said offering her hand to Charles in a silent request for help.

Charles helped them all down grumbling under his breath the entire time. Once they were all down, I closed the door just as my phone rang. Marcus was on the other end demanding to know why we had stopped. I told him about the new members and hang up before he could get another word in.

"The world ended man." Monica said patting Charles shoulders.

"We are basically cockroaches holding on to a place that is trying to take us all out. The human race is over. There's nothing like going back to normal, ever. Who ever had the bright idea to bomb the planet clearly was not thinking straight. The truth is even if all goes well we will all die in that underground shelter. Wether from old age or unforseen circumstances"

"It's basically our last days on the surface. I will fight whoever I have to so I can enjoy this last time." Susan said climbing into the passenger seat of my truck.

Monica and Ruth climbed in after her shutting the door behind them. Charles turned to me exasperated. I shrugged my shoulders at him. I was hardly going to rant at my friends for doing something I would have done.

"They are already here. Delaying like this will only cost us. Don't worry Monica is a better shot than me and Susan and Ruth fights like thier lives depends on it. We are going to be fine. Plus, Marcus just called..."

My phone interrupted as if in cue. It was Marcus again. I showed him the caller ID. He shook his head in disbelief once more before stalking off to his truck.


"Do we need to come back for you guys?"

"No need, we are on our way now." I hang up before he could get another word in.

I got back to my truck and seconds later we were back on the road. I shook my head at my friends. They gave me sheepish looks not even bothering to defending themselves to me, as they had with Charles. I did not ask for explanation, none was needed. I understood the need for a change of scenery.

"How did you guys know which truck I was going to be in? Even I, had no idea."

"We honestly just got into one of them." Ruth stated.

"I guess we are fated to be together." Susan chimed in.

"You are not wrong. I mean where are all those men who promised to be with us forever?" Monica asked.

"Dead in a ditch somewhere." I contributed finally thinking of Mathew. There was no way that incompetent fool managed to survive.

"Or snapping at flies for sharing their food." Ruth added.

We burst out laughing, for the first time, in very long time. We digressed to other topics reminiscing of the past. While we were conversing, Ruth was struck by a thought causing her to hold her hands up.

"Wait! Wait a minute. Did you or did you not raid liquor stores?"

"Not..." I answered.

"What!" They all gasped as if what I had said was impossible.

"How do you guys go on all those trips and not even one of you thought to being alcohol. I mean how else are we supposed to pass time in the shelter." Monica asked obviously distressed at the idea.

"The is an outrageous. We will get alcohol I don't care what anyone else thinks. I know this area well we have to raid a few stores." Susan suggested

I looked around finally realising why the place we were driving through looked familiar. We were driving through Loice's street. I found myself looking up at her office as we passed it. If anyone could survive the apocalypse against all odds it would her.

"So you think Loice made it?" Susan asked as if reading thoughts.

"That woman is the devil. I think death would bring her back if she were to die." Ruth interjected before I could answer.

"Right? If there is anyone who can beat all odds it would be her." Susan added.

"We should totally check it out." Monica suggested craning her neck out the window.

"On our way back definitely. Marcus will loose his shit if we made another unscheduled stop." I replied uncharacteristically thinking about someone else's reactions.

"True. Your guy is constantly going through his feelings." Monica said.

"What does that even mean? How is he my guy?"

"Oh come on like you don't know. The man is always moody and annoyed."

"Not to mention animalisticly possessive over you." Ruth added

"He is not possessive over me."

They all burst out laughing as I had delivered the funniest punchline.

"Not possessive my ass. He doesn't even like us looking in your direction and we are just your friends. He absolutely despises Leon because you two have a thing going on." Susan said in between laughing fits.

"Speaking of which, what is going on with you and Leon." Ruth digressed again.

"Don't tell me absence made your heart grow fonder." Monica mocked.

"Hell no! Of course not." Even as I vehemently denied any sort of feeling I couldn't help the way my body tensed when they mentioned her name.

"I have no feelings for her. You know I don't do feelings. You are also mistaken about Marcus."

"I don't know about Leon but there's no way I am mistaken about Marcus."

"That dude is into you so much so that everyone can see it." Susan chimed in

"Everyone but the two of you that is," Ruth admonished.

"Like you guys have a thing for each other why don't you just fuck already. You did it with Leon why not with Marcus?" Monica asked waiting for an answer that was not forth coming.

"The world literally ended. What are do you guys have to loose anyway."

"I mean if I find a guy I am remotely attracted to right now. I would constantly be jumping his bones."

"We don't even know if we will survive the initial blast not to talk of the after shocks."

"For all we know we could be preparing our graves. Life is for the living. Now more than ever you should enjoy the time you have left."

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