Chapter 35: The Apocalypse?

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Rebecca was waiting by my door, two cubs in tow. Richard was no where to be seen, which in itself, was odd. Those two were always together, I immediately knew something was wrong. she was so engrossed with the cubs she didn't notice me come out of my house and for a second I toyed with the idea of just sneaking past her and avoiding her altogether. I decided that that was the best course of action until one of the cubs spotted me drawing Rebecca's attention.

" So, are you going to visit the strangers you guys brought back yesterday" she asked.

If it had been anyone else I would have been surprised and maybe even worried but it was Rebecca. She was always surprisingly in the know.

" Yes! wanna come?" Her already big eyes grew in size as if my proposal was the most shocking thing she had ever heard.

In hindsight it probably was, but then again this was Rebecca keeping her away would only make her more curious. She took every one of my rebuttals as approval and I had been forced to learn how to accept that that was just who she was. Rebecca was already on her feet and yet Richard was still no where in sight. I became curious as to the whereabouts of the second twin.

"Where is your brother?"

"Keeping a lookout. Incase they moved them somewhere else." she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

That did not also surprise me in the least. They always moved as a pair it was only expected of them to collude together . Rebecca took the cubs in her arms and followed me down the path leading to the governing quarters. Richard was seated a few meters from the house, he got to his feet beaming wide when he spotted us.

He joined us as we continued down the path. Marcus, Kevin and Charles were already outside the door engrossed in a hushed conversation. Kevin and Charles did a double take on spotting Rebecca and Richard while Marcus gave me a murderous stare.

"I don't know how they find out. She was waiting for me when I woke up. What was I to do deny?"

He grumbled under his breath but choose to keep his silence. He more than anyone knew their tenacity and resourcefulness. Charles and Kevin looked between the two of us and opted to step inside first. The twins attempted to make their way in but Marcus stepped in their way. He was glaring at me again.With an exasperated sigh I turned to the twins.

" The mopy man hates all things fun. So how about I tell you how it goes while you occupy yourselves with your babies," I paused to stroke the cubs now divided between them, " plus you know how squeamish you guys get around blood".

Richard visibly paled causing Rebecca to tsk at him. Richard was as big a coward as he was good. His kind nature had him following his sister everywhere she went to keep her out of trouble. In all honesty without Rebecca, Richard was pretty much a loner. One time bullies made the mistake of targeting the lonely and quiet boy. While he kept to himself Richard had always been deceptively strong. It is safe to say that they would not be forgetting him in a hurry, if they were alive that is.

Rebecca, Richard's self designated leader was all fight and spunk. She might not have been much physically. However, thanks to our indefinite underground confinement, the teenager had taken to fitness with the enthusiasm of a starving kitten. Now not did only did she have the sass she also had the muscle to back it up. Richard was still the stronger of the two, but Rebecca would definitely survive for longer. Out sheer stubbornness if nothing else. I patted her shoulder soothing the fiesty kitten. She tensed for a moment upon contact but relaxed under my kneading fingers.

"Fine!" she humphed "But I want all the details tonight." She held my gaze until I gave her an affirmation before stomping off followed by a once again lively Richard. I smiled fondly at the two marveling at how attached I had gotten to the annoying twerps.

Marcus was still glaring when I turned back. He posture was rigid with arms folded at the front. He was angry that much was clear but I did care enough to assuage his anger. I tried going past him but he pulled me back bringing our bodies closer. I found myself staring at him as I often did when he was up close. Marcus had somehow gotten more handsome. Although his skin did not shine as brilliantly as it had once due to lack of sun, everything else had gotten better with time. His eyes seemed more captivating his lips a tad bit more alluring especially when he was angry. I took a step closer and touched his lips with mine my eyes never leaving his. I watched as his whole face fell in surprise, felt the tiny quiver of his lips through mine before pulling and walking away.

Charles and Kevin were finishing up with the last person when we came in. They had tied the other three in the futuristic chairs that were usually found in the houses. The abstract geometrical shape of the chairs made it impossible to escape should they ever try to.
They were no longer in their protective gear having already been cleared by the doctor. They were all wake struggling against their bonds and against the two men who were finishing up. After they finished, Charles and Kevin stepped aside to admire their handy work.

Marcus approached one of the men and with the an alarmingly blank face drove a knife through his thighs as he stiffled the man's screams with his hands. He left the knife in and held the screaming man down until he passed out. With the blank face still on he calmly turned to the remaining three, one of whom was wetting his pants.

"I hate repeating myself so I am only going to say this once. I want you to start from the bombing leave nothing important out." The men hesitated causing Marcus to stand the gesture loosening their lips. They began talking over each other forcing Marcus to point to one of them. The selected man slinked in his chair but spoke up none the less.

"The government used the biochemical bombs which reacted with the synthetic virus to creat monstrosities. We call them the apocalypse."

"Like the giant that was after you?" I asked my curiosity getting the better of me. The man turned to me somewhat relieved to be addressing me instead.

"Yes! That's the biggest Apocalypse we've ever seen also the least dangerous. They vary in size and capabilities but are generally lethal."

"Capabilities?" I probed

"The mutations gave them abilities. Something like superpowers. They become something entirely inhuman. Like the giant, there are some that produce fire although they burnout with the fire." The man kept glancing back and forth between Marcus and his unconscious friend.

"Marcus take the man to the hospital," I instructed him. He grumbled at me before covering the bleeding man with sheets and  slinging him over his shoulders. The men visibly relaxed as Marcus and his brother walked out.

"So," I turned to the now calm men "where were we?"

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