chapter 2 : The friends and family

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The knowledge of having a sociopath for a daughter has taken a toll on them. They would not be surprised if someone were to tell them I had committed murder. They would save me but only to save their image, their multi-million-dollar company whose vision went along the lines of unity as a family and therefore unity as an organization, or some similar bullshit.

I was Lucifer's spawn to them. A manifestation of all that is dark and evil in the world. The fact that I was their daughter was a pain to them and even though they did not say it I knew they would never forgive me for existing. This would push them over the edge, not that I cared for their feelings or opinions but I needed their money. That was the only way I could afford this two-bedroom apartment and eat out at great restaurants and order in. I was an expensive secret and rocking the designer cage that I was currently in would do no one any good, especially me. Plus, I hate house chores, cleaning was not something I enjoyed doing. Just like that, all my fantasies evaporated and I felt my heartbeat slow down as I pulled back from the brink of insanity.

She had my leash back on and like the good girl that I was, I knew I was going to lie down and roll over. she had won again she always has. I hang up the call before turning to fucking Mathew.
Mathew had stopped all movement. He looked like he had given up, the coward couldn't even fight for his life. How pathetic! what I had seen in him remained a mystery. He was a master of deceit I'll begrudge him that. He had perfected his façade, so much so that it seemed authentic. He was an expensive fake. The kind of fake that fooled even experts. I had found a flaw, simply because I had set out to find one, I had assumed that he had one. All human beings have a flaw his, however, had been more than a crack on the wall. His had been a big gaping hole that required the entire wall to be demolished.

"You cheated on me!" I exclaimed out loud addressing him for the first time since he woke up. He looked at me his eyes lifeless.
I forced a tremor into my voice "I gave you everything and you cheated on me. No! wait, I cheated with you. You made me a monster to your family and degraded me by fucking me despite having a wife."
I raised my voice towards the end making it seem as if I was getting angrier by the minute. He had to believe that I was hurt. The higher my voice became the more emotional I seemed.

I paced around the room, the way one normally would if they were irritated or experiencing intense emotions that needed to be calmed. At least that was what I saw in the many dramas that I had watched so far. I picked up a knife, the knife that I had prepared for stabbing him. I made my way towards him with a sense of purpose he seemed to catch onto as he began to squirm or maybe it simply the fact that I was holding a knife. I squatted right next to his face bringing the knife an inch away from his neck. It would be so easy to just swipe the knife across his neck. I had sharpened it. Killing him with it would not be that hard. I, however, brought it down to my own wrists. He breathed out a sigh of relief which quickly turned to a gasp of horror as the sharp knife bit into my skin slicing its way into my wrists. As the crimson liquid trickled out I felt the tension leave my body. The pain was good. The pain kept me grounded.

"I gave you everything I could. I loved you, I still love you. More than my own life. How could you betray me like it was nothing? I just wanted to be with you forever. Why can't we be together?" I paused as I dramatically inhaled, my chest heaving with mock tears.

If put my mind to it, I could win an Oscar for my acting. Not because I was a great actor rather because my entire life I faked my way through every human encounter playing make-believe as I forced my face to contort into weird expressions that seemed appropriate. I let the knife clatter to the floor as I hid my face behind my hands. I stealthily maneuvered to touch my eyes balls with my dry fingers forcing tears out of my eyes. I faced him again this time with tears in my eyes. I played his trick. Took his hand into mine slowly caressed them while looking straight into his eyes.

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