Chapter 24 : Mother

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(Warning! Smut. There will be homo and hetero sexual activities in this chapter so please be warned)

We drove the rest of the way in silence, leaving me to my thoughts. At one point I got bored and pulled out a mirror and for a second there I saw mother. Everyone always said we looked a like and I for the life of me could not see it. It was a sore point for both of us. Yet, that day, driving along a deserted familiar street, that once teamed with life I saw her face in mine. Marcus remained cold up until we were welcomed back home.

Something about the encounter left a distaste in mouth. My chest felt heavy with some foreign feeling and a bit of rage. I held on to that. Rage I understood. I turned to Marcus determined to get answers, but he was already retreating, shoulders drooping. It  had been decided that we were to be quarantined upstairs for seven days upon which if we were still in good health we would rejoin the others. It was my father of course who had taken the liberty of delivering this message.

I looked for my mother then and found her seated in a corner shoulder tall and wide. She was never one to fail in appearances even if her eldest daughter was being cast out to die. I doubt she would shed a tear for, she might even throw a party. I saw a bit of a similarity then. I truly was my mother's daughter.I scoffed in my father's face finally seeing the miserable man he was. I had seen it before but I had needed them then.

Everything was different now and we did not have much time to loose. If and when the bombing announcement came on, finding shelter would be difficult. Simply driving to the shelter would be a fight for survival. The infected were a minor inconvenience since they mostly died off on their own. The canisters containing the virus were mainly found in heavily populated areas reducing the risk of possible infection. The biggest problem would be when the announcement came on. Everyone who managed to survive would come out looking for shelter. When they did, it would not be pretty.

"In that case you will have to forgive me if I choose to not stick around. You see two days ago my biggest concern was getting sick or getting killed by the infected. Guess what? It's not." I could have explained further but I choose not to. I'd they wanted to stay and die I would not stand in their way.

I left to take a shower leaving Marcus to explain. I had not bathed since leaving the bunker and a change of clothes would be a bonus. I stood under the hot shower barely breathing until I felt a slender pair of arms snake around my waist. It felt like I had spent a lifetime outside the bunker despite the fact that it had only been two days. I let Leon touch me. She used her tall frame to plaster me against the shower for a second before jumping back.

"Damn that's too hot Melissa! too hot!"

She adjusted the shower as I took her in. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something had changed in me in the two days I was away. Maybe it was because finally I felt like I had a place in the world without fear of judgement. Maybe it was because for the first time in my life I made a friend, who I could empathize with, of my own accord. All it took for me to find my place in the world was for the human race to become endangered. Leon glowed that day more than usual. Her muscles ripped deliciously as her she stood on the tip of her toes to adjust the temperature, leaving me no choice but to take a bite.

She froze as my teeth sunk into her arm but only for a second before her hands went to the of my head. She nudged my chin up with her finger and I lifted my head so that our noses were touching. Hey darkened eyes held mine for a brief moment before dipping to my lips. I ran my tongue across my lips, an involuntary action that she took full advantage of as she captured my tongue gently with her teeth. She let go of my tongue only to capture my lips with her's. While I normally craved control in everything I did, this time I let her be in charge. My consent wasn't verbal but it was there when I tilted my head at her gentle tug. It was there in the way I let her plaster me against the wall without attempting to turn tables. It was there when I let her explore my body with her tongue, without moving a muscle just as she had instructed.

After a quick rinse we headed for the bedroom. I was determined to blow her mind, without knowing why. If I didn't know any better I would have said I missed her. Leon had absent before, but I never, not even once, wished for her presence. Yet, there I was, longing for her touch in the short distance it took us to get to the bedroom. As soon as she shut the door behind her, I swept her off the floor dumping her on the bed. As soon as she landed in the bed she began stripping her robe and so did I. Her eyes never left mine and I held her gaze. Normally looking into her eyes would have cured me of any lust related affliction and yet this time her eyes fueled my lust.

I wanted those eyes to shake with pleasure. I wanted to touch her very soul. Leon had always been attracted to me, while I dismissed her very existence. However, holding her in arms that day completed a tiny piece of me. Knowing I could kill her and probably get away with it quelled the need to do so. The only way I wanted to end her was with pleasure. I worshiped her skin with my tongue and lips leaving no inch unexplored. Her fingers dug painful into the back of my head when I licked her clitoris. I sucked on it and she pulled my hair back so hard I felt my scalp smart. The harder I sucked the harder she pulled while her thighs clenched around my head imprisoning me.

I alternated between licking and sucking and thrusting with my tongue all while she ground herself against my face until she orgasmed. Her thighs relaxed freeing my head which I replaced with my two middle fingers. It took me a few seconds to locate her G - spot. Her finger nails found purchase on my back and once again she began drawing blood with each flick. It wasn't long before her entire body clenched around my fingers as she orgasmed again. I added another finger and watched her fall apart once again in my arms. Three hours later we both lay on the bed spent.

Leon who had fallen asleep almost as soon as we finished snuggled into my side. I stroked her hair gesture that felt foreign to me. I was still musing over what had changed when Marcus choose that moment to barge in. He took one look at me and Leon and quickly turned back. I watched the closed door in slight shock at being discovered by him in a compromising situation. A few seconds later it flew open again revealing a resolute Marcus.

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