Chapter 10; The Lonely and The Aloof

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Warning! SMUT!

I contemplated the idea for a second before realising unlike the rest of us Leon had yet to explore the bunker. She had yet to get a lay of the land, so breaking out with her would be sheer stupidity on my part. She had always been reckless, and I had been on the receiving end of her antics enough know better.

" Shower first before plotting your escape."

I pried her hands from my shoulder and attempted to bypass her. Instead of letting go she tightened her grip then wrapped her leg around mine and then twisted her body causing me to lose balance and fall to the floor. I landed on my back while she fell remained on top of me. I did not get chance to tell her exactly how I was going to kill her before she came down on my lips with the enthusiasm of a starving kitten.

Her lips were soft but she was forceful with her kiss.  My first instinct had been to throw her off me, but the mind numbing monotony that had become my new reality dulled my dislike for leon. Her hands snaked around my neck covering it with a punishing grip while her thumbs tilted my head back in a silent command that I obliged. Doing something outside of my forced routine was oodly cathartic even if the person involved was leon or maybe because it was her. Her mouth was warm, wet and inviting. Her hands were hungry and punishing as they roamed my body occasionaly applying enough pressure to cause pain just the way I liked it.

It had been months since my last sexual encounter and while my disdain for Leon was still present my body begged for release and I was not one to deny myself. I flipped her over binding her hands together over her head with own before beginning my own exploration. This was not the first time we had had sex, but it was the first time in a while and I had seemingly forgotten how good Leon tasted. Her eager tongue wared with mine even as she arched her body into mine as if trying to climb into my skin.

I picked her up and cradled her in my arms as I made my way to the bathroom. I placed her on the edge of the tub where she remained perched while I filled the tub with warm water. She swung her legs and dropped into the tub after I finished setting it up. I shed all of my clothing and joined her.

Fucking Leon was a terrible idea. One that I was most certainly going to regret. However, in that moment after being trapped here with no way to release the pent up sexual energy in my body, there was no turning back. When else would I find an opportunity like this when everyone else was occupied with Marcus' outdoor excursion.

I lathered the sponge with scented bathing oil while she adjusted her body so that she sat between my legs. I started from her neck throughly working my way down to her toes. When I was done with her body I washed myself while she shampooed her hair. After a quick rinse I carried her back to the room. She lay flat in her back watching me as I retreated back to the bathroom to clear up. She was in the same position when I came back. Her black eyes wide open, her lips slightly parted with her hands stretched behind her head holding onto the head board so tight there were veins popping out.

Any reservation I had, fled my mind as I drank in the submissive posture in which she lay in. She was mine to do with as I please and I had more than plenty of ideas about what I was going to do. I covered the distance between us with two long strides. I began with safely securing her hands to the headboard using the curtain cord. I bent her legs then bound them to the opposite sides of the bed leaving her completely open to me. She did not resist nor did she try to move from the position I placed her in. She did not speak instead settled for watching me.

I crawled to her licking her inner thigh as I made my way to her moist center. A warm gash of air from my lips had her arching towards me. She was clearly horny, making the idea of toying her all the more appealing. I passed her needy core and made my way upwards eliciting a shudder as my tongue dipped into navel. Her dark erect nipples bobbed into view, successful capturing my attention. I was rewarded with a needy moan when my lips closed around her right nipple while I gently pinched her left nipple.

It did not take long before she turned into a writhing mess underneath me. I made my way to her neck tugging the skin gently with my teeth. I applied a bit if pressure until she showed discomfort and the licked the area. I repeated the move as I made my way around her neck and by the fourth bite she tilted her head back giving me more access to her neck. I wrapped my hands around her exposed neck dragging her up towards me, before swooping down to meet her parted lips in a lust fueled kiss. She met my tongue with her own moaning and groaning as if enticing the beast within me to come out and play, and play she did.

I kissed my way down to her heated wet lips. Once again she arched into me and I obliged with a eager lips and a probing tongue. She tasted like strawberries and vanilla, driving me mad with thirst even as I licked and sucked every inch of her enticing love garden. She half purred and half moaned as she ground herself on my face, caught in a lustful frenzy desperately seeking release.
I felt her body tense right before her first orgasm claimed her. I did not relent nor did I slow down until her third orgasm.

Three hours later we sprawled naked on the bed, too exhausted to even bother with covers. I had bolted the door earlier so no one was getting in without our knowledge. Leon shifted towards me revealing her peacefully sleeping face. I unwound the strap on from my waist and collected the rest of the sex toys taking them with me to the bathroom feeling glad as hell to have remembered to bring them with me.

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