Chapter 30: Getaway

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The steady stream of the infected thinned to a trickle. We waited for a minute after the last infected before venturing inside. These people had made a home here unaware that somewhere in the crevices of this factor lay their end. Nothing could be done for them now. As soon as we got the all clear from Marcus we were each assigned a task. The sound system held off the infected and luckily for us none appeared from outside. We worked fast and in silence desperate to make up for the time we had wasted. My friend's presence was a boost as more people meant better division of labor.

The sun was setting when we finally loaded the last of the growing medium into the cargo truck. We were grossly behind schedule given that we were supposed to make a few more stops for seeds and livestock. Going back to the shelter was a no starter. Going back would only endanger the rest. Therefore at dusk, we set out to the animal ranch that was to be our first stop. A call came through a few minutes into our drive.

"Hello? Melissa this is Rebecca. Can you hear me.?"

"Yes, little one. I can hear you perfectly."

"Where are you guys? Everyone who left has already come back. Kevin says he'll lock the door in an hour so we have to make sure everything has been taken in. Will you guys be here before then?"

"No little one we won't be coming back tonight."

"What! Why?" Richard joined in.

"Because, my knight,we still have a lot of things to take care of. Why don't you guys hang out with the other and as soon as I am back we can go explore the forest before the end. How does that sound?"


"You will keep your promise this time right?"

"Yes, My doubtful knight I will keep my word."

I hang up the phone and was greeted with the dismayed faces of my friends. I didn't have to ask to know why they were supprised. In all the time they had known me, to be honest even before that, I had always treated my siblings nonchalantly. I rarely talked to them and when I did it was one worded response or a curt rebuttal. Richard was justified in questioning my commitment to our plans. I had always promised them my time but always found a way to get out of hanging with them. Even when locked in the bunker, I still managed to avoid them. Something had indeed changed inside me. I did not feel disdain for them when they approached me. I was also looking genuinely forward to spending time with them.

We were just about to pass by the Loice's office when Susan spotted a light that quickly disappeared. I slowed down considerably squinting at the darkened building and once again a flash of light appeared for three seconds before disappearing.

"A million dollars says that, that Loice rummaging in her office."

"No, that's definitely her. I told she wasn't human."

I stopped infront of the building. Under normal circumstances I abhorred getting into that building, yet strangely I felt anxiety as I walked down the hallway I often darkened during my sessions. I chalked the anxiety to discomfort, of still wearing our hazmat suits that we had hosed down. I paused at her door, hands frozen on her door knob. The butterflies in my stomach regressed to caterpillars that were painfully tearing it apart. I did not know if I was scared of finding her or of not finding her. After few more seconds of hesitation, I pushed the door open ducking in time to evade an object flying towards my face.

It was an arrow, that was currently embedded into the opposite wall. Still crouched I looked into her office to find a wild eyed Loice with a loaded crossbow. I lifted my hands in surrender to calm her down and for a split second she looked she was still going to shoot at me. My friend's peered into the office after ensuring no more arrows were flying out. Monica and Susan waved sheepishly at Loice, while Ruth chuckled derisively. It was only then Loice hesitantly lowered her bow.

"Come with us if you want to live or not. Honestly I am all for not." Ruth walked into her office pushing a book off the desk and watched it fall to the floor. She turned to Loice her left brow raised in a silent challenge.

"Ruth cool it. You can have your fun when we are back at the shelter." Monica flinched as if the diffusion the tension instead of adding to it caused her pain.

We all looked at her shocked. Monica was never one to mediate even when it was well within her capacity to do so. She was a self proclaimed catalyst. Ruth let her quarrel with Loice go stalking out if the room.

"Okay. We have a week or two at most before we alongside the rest of the world are leveled to the ground. You can come with us and survive for a few months or decades more or you could stay and die after two weeks or less. We are already behind schedule so you need to make a decision fast. Marcus will call any minute now and I don't want to explain actions to him again."

"Fine!" was the first thing she said to me. She disappeared behind a door and re-emerged with two huge packed suitcases and a gas mask. She took one long look at her office before walking out the door.

The girls went ahead while I helped Loice with one of her suitcases. When we got to the main exit of the building, she stopped in her tracks. She looked outside the building with an expression on her face that could only be described as fear. It was an emotion I wasn't aware she could feel. She grabbed my elbow, squeezing it.

"Don't worry, I eased her fear, I don't want to lie to you and say its safer out there than in here because it isn't. However, I'm two weeks no where in the surface of this planet will be habitable. There are already continents that are currently a pile of flaming toxic shit. We just need to get a few more things to make life underground sustainable. By this time tomorrow you will be cozy in you new home."

She squeezed my elbow tighter. Loice had always valued control over everything. She always had to be in control of everything otherwise everyone would be miserable. The post apocalyptic world left little room for control over anything. Life had become unpredictable and nothing would ever be same again. The uncertainty of it all, I finally realised, is what made my heart beat faster and my steps lighter. Having no control over anything.  Knowing that with every passing moment the end of life as we know it crawled closer, made me a more tolerant person. She took a deep breath put her gas mask on and walked out the building.

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