Chapter 23 : Reunion

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Not long after that the twins came barrelling through the shelter. Charles and I had occupied ourselves with seducing the dogs with snacks. He had been surprisingly accommodating. Our shared love for animals was a very effective icebreaker and soon enough, we bickering like old housewives. We had even come up with a plan to open an obedience school for both cats and dogs. The twins attempted to get close to the puppies but the Siberian husky started to howl while the other two barked at them like the good boys they were.

Marcus finally decided to grace us with his presence. He was talking to Phillip, his body language standoffish. The conversed for several minutes, while the rest explored their new homes. We had yet to allocate any rooms and we planned to hold off until everyone else arrived. Thier conversation finally ended and Marcus began looking around. He located me and waved me over drawing Phillip's attention towards me. I grabbed Charles hand pulling him with me. He did not resist, following me probably to tease Marcus.

Phillip covered the distance between us with a few long strides suffocating me with another hug. Charles detached himself from me and disappeared from my view.  The hug lasted for about a second before he was yanked away from me. A livid Marcus tightened his grip on Phillip who winced a little. I saw the corner of his lips lift in a tiny smile which vanished just as quickly. His eyes however shone with unmistakable lust. Phillip was a bisexual. One who enjoyed pain. Marcus must have seen the lust in his gaze, as he quickly dropped the arm he had pulled. Phillip gave him an award winning smile and winked at him before turning back to me.

He hugged me again. This time facing Marcus effectively blocking everything from my view with his broad shoulders. I did not have to see their faces to know what they were thinking. Marcus was jealous. That thought  had solidified in my mind now. That was the only explanation for his erratic behaviour. The simplest explanation was that he liked me and yet he had everything in his power to keep his distance away from me. I was curious about the extent of his feelings but not desperate enough to confront him. Phillip on the other hand was goading him. What Marcus wasn't aware of was pain to Phillip was like a bone to a dog. Reacting to his bad behaviour by punishing would only serve as encouragement. Marcus must have made a similar deduction as he pulled me away this time.

He dragged me away from the others and out of the shelter not stopping until we got into an camper van. He all but dumped me unceremoniously on the passenger seat strapped me to the chair kindling my anger. He hurried to the driver's side peeling off just as I unstrapped myself. I contemplated jumping out the window but thought better of it.  He had thinned his lips and furrowed his brows. His entire body was tightened with tension. So I stabbed him lightly with the pocket knife I had been carrying. He tensed with suprise before relaxing entirely, the pervert.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Honestly nothing that makes sense. So that makes the two of us, doesn't it?"

"I don't know what you are taking about."

"Of course you don't. So beating the crap out of people is acceptable to you but not taking about your feelings. Do you see how problematic that is?" I echoed Loice's words for me to him.

Truth be told I understood where he came from. I was never one to share my feelings unless it would benefit me in some way. Laying out your feelings was like giving ammunition to a potential enemy. I had a natural aversion to people, but he had to learn it the hard way. Marcus' appeal did not simply lie in his physical appearance, but in his respect for other peoples boundaries. Irregardless of the form they took.

"What do you want me to say?"

"That you want me. Don't even bother pretending that you don't because otherwise you have to be bipolar."

"I love you. I want you to be mine and nobody else's. It bothers me when anyone else comes close to you. That being said you don't like me. I am not even sure you are capable of it. I have lived in the shadows of those who were supposed to love me, but didn't. I fought with those I considered friends who wanted nothing more than to see me fail. Despite all the disappointments I went through, my broken heart beats for you and it already hurts. I don't want to force either one of us into a relationship we will hate each other for."

I finally realised what his problem was. It was overthinking. Nothing I say would convince him otherwise. More importantly I had nothing to say to dissuade him. Everything he had said was true and his fears were bound to manifest as fears are known too. Instead of helping him see reason, I kissed him. It was more of a peck that a kiss. I mushed my lips to his soft pillowy lips.  It was something to incentivise him to stop thinking, but I felt a stiring in my vigina. He pulled up on the side of the road, his brows set in a stubborn line. As soon as he turned to me, I fell on his lips with the enthusiasm of a starving kitten.

He tensed his entire body making a feeble attempt at pushing me away. After a few seconds he gave into the kiss deepening our connection. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me roughly against his body. His palms then proceeded to roam my body, pulling and groping until I was nothing but a ball of lust. I held onto his neck as he lowered us down while reclining my seat so I lay on my back. He came at me with the fervour of a hungry wolf.

Living during the apocalypse qualified as a horror film. As such, a group of infected people choose that very moment to interrupt our heated liaison. My anger was matched by Marcus'. He pushed the door open with force cracking the head of one of the infected along with the window. The cracked window left us exposed forcing Marcus to return to his seat and drive away. The few minutes of interruption caused blood flow to resume Marcus' brain as he fell silent overthinking again.

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