The Worst Part Is Coming

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Beomgyu and Hendery sat together, in a cherry blossom tree next to a pond, where ducks swam.

"Hendery, what's something you would want to do before you're 30?" Beomgyu asked, as he gazed upon the sky.

Hendery looked down, flustered. What did he want for himself?

Fame, riches..?

"I want to get married." He answered, catching Beomgyu off guard.

"Married?" He asked, turning to Hendery.

The other nodded in response.

He was holding his knees close, looking up at the sky. His eyes showed sadness, as if he knew it was impossible for his dream to come true.

"It's not impossible.. we can move countries you know." Beomgyu softly smiled, and put his hand on Hendery's knee.

"Are you implying you want to be the one I marry?" Hendery softly smiled.
Beomgyu stopped.

He didn't put that amount of thought into his words.

"I mean... It would be nice... If I were the one you wanted to... Marry." Beomgyu stammered, making Hendery blush. "I.. I want to marry you too." Hendery smiled at the words, as his eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered, as he leaned into Beomgyu's shoulder.

"For what?" Beomgyu asked, worried.

"For everything that's.. happened and will happen." Hendery sniffed, as he began crying.

Beomgyu held him in his arms as he cried.
How did a plot to make his best friend jealous end up in love?

"I love you so much Beomgyu.. Even when I'm gone, please remember that.." Hendery sobbed.

"Its going to be a long time for when you're gone.. don't worry.. I love you too." Beomgyu consoled him, as Hendery continued crying quietly, not saying a word.

Who knew that gone would be so soon?


Viviana walked Karime to the hospital where she stayed, and sat with her in the outside bench.

"How long have you been here for..?"
"For as long as I can remember.. a decade?" She thought, looking down at her feet.

"Alone?" Vivi frowned, as Karime forced a smile.

"For almost the whole time.. only two months ago.. have I met my friend ever." She whispered. "And I probably hurt him.. just because I let anger get the best of me and didn't see his point of view.."

"His?" Vivi asked, looking at Karime with a perverted look on her face.

"Move it you bastard! He's just a friend. He saved me from bullies." She laughed, reminiscing the time they first met.

"Saved you?" Vivi grinned once again, as Karime slapped her arm.

"You little-"

Suddenly, Karime heard it.

"Karime!" A baby spoke.
Her heart fell to her feet.

"Mateo!" She yelled, and turned to be faced with her family.

Her dad, her mom, her brothers and her sister stood there.

She instantly burst into tears at the overwhelming feeling.

She ran and hugged them, sobbing, practically yelling.

"Karime! Oh my god...!" Karla gasped in shock, tears overflowing her eyes.

"Where were you?! We searched everywhere.." Her dad sobbed, hugging his daughter.

"Pa! Ay.. I missed you so so much.." She cried, as she hugged both her parents.

"Mateo! Bryan!!" She smiled. Her brothers had grown so much.

Is this what.. the beginning of the end was?

How could such a beautiful moment lead up to such a tragedy?


"Seonghwa.." Taehyun whispered.

"I'm sorry Taehyun.. I really do love you. But I.. I'm not ready for a relationship." Seonghwa apologized again and again, but Taehyun couldn't bring himself from crying.

'"I-I just wish you told me sooner..." He hiccuped, as Seonghwa looked down.

"I'm sorry..."


It's gonna get depressing. There's gonna be death.

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