I Like You, Choi Yeonjun

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"Yeonjun -!" Soobin stopped, as he looked at the Xiaojun fumble in his own excuses.

"What the hell do you want, Soobin? Are you also going to ruin my relationship with Xiaojun for your own shit?" Yeonjun fumed, as he got up.

"No, I-"

"You've come to give your stupid apology or excuse? I don't want to hear it. Get the fuck out of my face. We have nothing to discuss." Yeonjun demanded.

"Xiaojun, can you give us a minute?" Soobin asked, his head hanging down.

"I- yes of course.. excuse me." Xiaojun blabbered, exiting the cabin.

"No- what is it now, Choi? You're making it more difficult for me..." Yeonjun sighed, putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"I know you.. I know I'm the last person you want to see right now.." Soobin whispered, as Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"At least you're self aware.."

"But I.. I want to confess my feelings.." Soobin stammered, his head still hung low.

Yeonjuns eyes widened, as the other got on his knees.

"I'm sorry. I'm so stupid.. I.. I just.. I didn't realize it sooner... It's an asshole move of me to suddenly hit you with this.. I like you, Choi Yeonjun. I've liked you for the longest time, but.. I was in denial. I've.. found it hard to feel love again. My first love wasnt the most beautiful thing for me.
Accepting the fact I liked boys wasn't easy. It was the hardest thing to admit to myself...
Well.. second to.. admitting that I like you. I don't just like you... I love you. I feel a way I havent felt in years when I'm with you. We bicker and argue, and even then my heart can't stop beating. Is there something wrong with me? I didn't mean to lead you on. I really did like you. But I didn't know that.. I acted on impulse, and ended up hurting the one I love... I don't.. deserve your forgiveness. Even then, I don't deserve for you to like me. It's okay if you like Xiaojun. I won't lie and say it doesnt hurt. I won't lie and say I'm not angry or jealous. But I will learn to accept your feelings in time. I just wished.. that you'd know before you.. hate me. Please don't hate me." Soobin wept, tears streaming down his eyes.

There was a silence, before Soobin felt Yeonjun's hands on his face.

He didn't want to look up. He knew the knot in his throat would give up if he saw Yeonjun's face.

What would his expression be?


"You're a.. fag...?!" His best friend shrieked.


"People like you deserve NOTHING!" The man yelled, beating Soobin to unconsciousness.


"Oh.. you're.. gay." Sumin mumbled, as she slowly backed away from him. "Forget I said anything..."


"Disgusting. I can't believe I was friends with a fucking monster like you. Creep. I bet you even liked me... Just the thought of it gives me the creeps." Minsoo gagged, and ran from him.


"Then you're crazy. Nobody likes a little stupid loser. " Eunwoo said. His stare was deadly, but in the shine of his eye, you could see a sense of pity. Pity, that Soobin would never be able to shake off.

Yeonjuns sudden movement snapped Soobin out of his thoughts, as the other raised his face.

"Is this how you did it back then?" He wondered, tilting his head.

The knot in Soobins throat suddenly bursted. He began sobbing, his face like a river.

"Please don't hate me.. please.." He begged, tugging on the olders shirt.

"Hey hey hey.. calm down, goofy. Why would I hate you..?" Yeonjun softly whispered.


"Better question.. can I kiss you?" Yeonjun quipped.

Soobins eyes lit up. His heart began beating faster.

Before he could answer, he leaned in himself, as he held Yeonjuns face.

His tears fell, as they shared the passionate kiss.

And that was the day, me and Soobin first kissed. Well, not first kiss, but you know what I mean... Right? Little did we know what was ahead of us.


Okay. I figured it out. Daily updates. Same time every night. Just a warning, shit is gonna go down now. It's gonna get sad.
Edit: so THAT DIDNT WORK OUT...ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ

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