Soobin and Yeonjun

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"Yeonjun, stay still!" Soobin rolled his eyes.

"Ah, it's not my fucking fault that it stings..." Yeonjun grumbled, as he clenched his pants while Soobin ran the cotton ball against Yeonjuns bleeding knees.

"Yeah, but at least it won't get infected." Soobin said, as he opened a band aid.

"Do you want a Rillakkuna or Molang band aid?" Soobin asked. Yeonjun looked down at him, and blushes. God, was he trying to kill him? He was so adorable.

"Any of them work..." Yeonjun whispered.

Soobin nodded as he took out a Rilakkuma bandaid and stuck it over the cotton ball.

"Next one?" Soobin asked.

"M-Molang.." Yeonjun slightly smiled. He felt so safe with Soobin. There was something about the atmosphere he couldn't place, but he just felt happy.

"Okay.. done. You're good to go." Soobin smiled.

"Thank you Soobin." Yeonjun shyly said, as he looked down at his knees. The band aids were almost as cute as Soobin himself.

"Would you like some ramen while you're here?" Soobin asked as he walked to the kitchen to turn off Sungchan's ramen.

"I-If it's okay with you.." Yeonjun blushed. Soobin really invited him to eat ramen with him..

"Oh great, let's eat then." Soobin smiled, as he set two ramen bowls on the table.

Yeonjun quickly sat down. He couldn't help but smile widely.

"So, how's it been?" Soobin asked. It felt like a lot of pressure had passed.

"I've been well." Yeonjun said, his smile slightly drooping.

Soobin noticed, and became worried.

"You sure? You can tell me anything." Soobin sweetly smiled.

"Yeah.. it's all okay." He said, more brightly.

"I have a question though..." Soobin asked.

Yeonjun slurped his ramen, as he nodded for Soobin to go ahead.

"...What's going on with you and Taeyong?"
Yeonjun stopped abruptly, and looked to the side.
He remained quiet.

"I won't judge you.. I'm sorry I said that to you back then so harshly, I was just shocked you'd spoken to hyung that way, I didn't mean to-"

"I'm sorry Soobin. I have to go."

"Yeonjun, I'm serious.. you should-"

"Why do you keep butting in?? Why are you suddenly asking like you care?!" Yeonjun yelled.

"I'm only worried for you and Taeyong Hyung! Just work with me here!" Soobin yelled back.

"I'll fix it at my own time, stop being so goddamn annoying okay?" Yeonjun grumbled.

"Why are you being immature?! I'm only asking to make sure nobody becomes upset!" Soobin exclaimed as Yeonjun bit his lip in frustration.

"Why do you keep playing with my feelings Soobin Choi?! You.. you kissed me! And then suddenly you became distant to me.. and treated me like nothing! And then you.. you kissed SungChan! You act nice only when it's convenient to you... I have feelings too Soobin!" Yeonjun screamed.
Soobin paused for a moment, as he stared at Yeonjuns watering eyes.

"Yeonjun, I-"

"Just leave me alone goddamn!" Yeonjun sobbed, as he ran out of the cabin.

"Yeonjun! Yeonjun wait!" Soobin said, as he chased after him.

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