Drabble - Stream [Valter Skarsgard]

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"...hey..." Valter sits himself down beside you and wraps an arm around your shoulders. "...how come you stopped streaming?" Asking with a mix of confusion and concern.

You shrug a little and chew your lip; the last thing you wanted to tell him was that a group of streamers - his friends - had been messaging you with not words of encouragement, but advice to stop and let it go.

None of them had given a specific reason in the messages but had caused havoc in chat by only speaking Swedish even though they knew full well your small but loyal fan base was predominantly English speaking only.

Eventually you had managed to get one of them to rat out the others and tell you what was going on. You knew very well what they were saying was bullshit but it didn't stop it hurting.

"Sweetheart?" He frowns a little. "Please..?"

You sigh and rub your face, picking up your phone and opening a folder full of various screen grabs; emails, private messages, chat transcripts and even tweets. All of them detailing story after story about why you should stream and everything that was "wrong" with you; not just with streaming but your close friendship with Valter too.

He reads through them and progresses from biting his lip to full on chewing until he broke skin. You don't know what he says under his breath in Swedish and you don't ask; it's nothing good. After a few minutes he takes a deep inhale and clears his throat.

"I want you to ignore everything they've said because they're talking out their asses..." His Swedish accent comes through strong when he's pissed off.

"I tried but... It's not that easy." You whisper and play with your hands.

"I know. I'll help.... I'll deal with them. I'm sorry they did this." Valter pulls you onto a comforting hug and strokes your back.

"Let's get you up and streaming again.... Your fans miss you and I miss watching you."

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