Drabble - Bad Day [Jared Leto]

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His arms are strong around you and you instantly feel more relaxed but not more calm. The last three weeks had been okay to deal with on its own, but this morning when you'd recieved a flurry of angry tweets from so-called fans who had discovered you and Jared had been secretly dating... It had all got too much.

You sob quietly against Jared's chest and just inhale his scent as the events of the last three weeks finally let themselves out.

Jared is silent for a long while; pressing light kisses to your hair, stroking over your bare arm and down your back. He had come home from the interview as soon as he could when you had called him in tears and babbling about everything being too much.

He'd stroked your face and pecked your nose lightly which had stopped your babbling instantly but the tears had started in earnest as soon as he had told you everything would be okay and that he would help however he could.

From that moment all you wanted was his hugs and voice. Jared was happy to oblige and rocked you slowly, singing to you and calming you.

"It's okay babygirl... It'll take time but you'll be okay." He whispers softly.

"Doesn't feel like it."

"Never does at the time... But it ~will be eventually." He kisses your temple. "I'll deal with the fans...for the most part there's many people sticking up for you and us. It's just a small amount who are being entitled little..." He stops himself and nuzzles you instead. "It'll stop. I promise." He assures you.

"Thank you... I don't think it would bother me usually... it's... Just with everything else."

Jared nods "Totally okay darling... These things happen."

You nod and wipe your eyes shuffling to straddle him instead; wanting to be closer. "Hold me all night..?"

"Always and forever."

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