Drabble - A New Life [Jared Leto]

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The drive to the hospital had been long but worth it; you had both cursed at the delayed flights the night before and the fact you'd couldn't have been there sooner.

The phone call from your teenage son was a string of panicked babble that the baby was arriving early and he didn't know what to do; Jared had instantly gone into action to get everything booked. As much as Jared had lectured him about underage & unprotected sex and the resulting arguments had caused a small rift; Jared couldn't stay angry for long and he couldn't deny he was excited to meet his first grandchild.

As soon as you got to the private hospital you were met by security and ushered through to a quiet maternity wing. You had missed the birth in person but had helped talk your son through supporting his girlfriend who was just as terrified.

The room was dimly lit and when you opened the door a small tired smile greeted you; your son was sat watching over the incubator which protected the tiny premature baby which looked much like a doll.

Jared's eyes looked around the room and noted the sleeping new-mum in her bed beside the incubator. Keeping his voice quiet he say beside your son "how does it feel?"

"Terrifying, dad.... but amazing." He smiled.

"Apart from small, baby okay?" Jared keeps his eyes on his son, not yet ready to look in the incubator.

"Yeah... Yeah she's good." He nods proudly.

"little girl?" He can't hide the smiles that spreads across his face.

"Yeah. You have a grand-daughter, dad."

"How's baby-momma doing?" He looks over at the bed.

"She's tired but okay...sore. She had to have an... ep-is-iot-omy?" Your son sounds out the word slowly.

Jared nods "Ouch... you're gonna be doing a lot of running around while she heals; your mom had one of those with you."

He nods "That's fine. I don't mind...already changed a dirty diaper!"

Jared fist bumps him proudly, "took me three days to face that challenge."

The small body shuffles slightly as she dreams and stretches out. Only then did Jared let his eyes move to the incubator; the knowledge he was a grand-dad sinking in. That his son had a daughter and there would be new lessons to teach - admittedly much sooner than you had both anticipated.

"Say hello... You can put your hand in here .." Jared watches his son and then follows the instructions, placing his finger in her palm and wiping a tear when she wraps her tiny hand around it.

"If ...if any of you need anything... And I do mean anything. Don't be afraid to ask, okay? No matter what - I'm still your dad..."

You stood back and watched happily, taking a few snaps for Jared to look back on later and to build a baby book. You'd say your hello's later but for now you were happy to watch Jared bond with his son and his grand-daughter who you knew would be treated like a princess.


On the cab drive to the hotel you could tell Jared's mind was working on a dozen thoughts flying around.

"Talk to me?" You speak quietly.

"....I want another baby..." He looks at you, chewing his lip and clearly worried at what you would respond.

You smile and hold his hand "me too...."

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