Drabble - Go Live! [Leto Brothers]

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You giggle and wander around the large compound while on Instagram live. Jared had told you he would appear but only if you played an over the top game of hide&seek mixed with Marco Polo. You had put the request out to your viewers and they had unanimously answered - more demanded - that you take part. You weren't angry; Jared had been evasive recently due to work stresses and the Echelon were thirsty for some Leto on camera.

As you wandered around and used the internal communication system to yell out "Marco" you get a surprise when Shannon answers a few seconds later with "Polo". The sound was clear with no static and no reverb; he was close.

Listening to the silence around you intently you hear an ever so slight and quickly muffled laugh; it was just enough for you to tiptoe towards them while switching to the main camera for your viewers to get your point of view and both Leto's hiding around a corner trying not to laugh. Sadly for them you make them jump instead causing them to scream; you just hoped someone was recording and would screenshot the exact moment Jared screamed because it was comedy platinum, never mind the gold.

You crease up laughing and lean against the wall as they make their way out from their hiding spot into the light of the room ahead of you all. Wiping your eyes of the tears you switch the camera back round and turn so both the brothers are in view with you.

"So now I found you..." you giggle and feign hurt as Shannon growls and narrows his eyes. You can imagine most of the viewers going into a frenzy over the growl, the narrowed eyes would have definitely caused a few pregnancies though.

"Congratu-fucking-lations" Jared jokes and smiles, pulling you to sit on his lap on the sofa.

You spend the next half an hour sitting and answering questions with Jared; you manage to squeeze out a few tidbits of information for the Echelon about future music videos and mini movies, tour info and behind the scenes secrets. Shannon pops in and out and due to him being off camera you both toy with the viewers acting shocked, embarrassed and surprised. You couldn't wait to see what they thought he was doing or not wearing based on your expressions alone; truth being you had never seen him naked and had no desire to do so - one Leto was more than enough for you.

As Shannon heads in and taps his watch silently Jared sighs and announces its time for you all to head off to a "super-duper pain-of-death secret meeting" - You chuckle and nod; it was dinner with Connie.

You say goodbye and smile to your viewers promising another stream "soon". You're 100% sure that they collectively groaned at the mention of the "S-word". Just as you're about to turn off the stream Jared stops you and motions for you to turn your head so he could check something.

"You have a little bit of..." he strokes his fingertips along your jaw then leans in, kissing you softly. You squeak in surprise and kiss him back with a smile.

"...Bye all!" You end the stream, spending the rest of the evening smiling.

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