Drabble - Bath Time [Jared Leto]

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You sigh and look at the digits on the clock reading stupid early hours; you had been tossing and turning for five hours total and the lack of sleep was starting to get to you.

Leaning up on the bed you stretch and stand then head out your room. The house was quiet at this time of the morning but there was one person guaranteed to be awake; you just had to find him.

Listening carefully you hear the familiar noise of someone climbing into a bath. Found him.

Jared's bedroom door was ajar, casting a faint glow into the hallway from his soft lighting. His door doesnt squeak as you open it and for reasons you can't figure at that moment, walking into your housemates bathroom with the idea of joining him, doesn't sound odd to you. Maybe it was the length of time you had lived together but somehow you didn't think he would find it an issue either; you had both seen each other in various states of undress.

You lightly tap your fingers on the door of his bathroom before opening it. Jared had been under the water at the time but soon surfaced.

The room has its own soft glow from a lamp in the corner that leaves it looking like a spa.

"You okay?" He frowns, clearing his eyes.

"Can't sleep..... Can I join you?" You say the words and watch his face for any sign of this being a weird question.

"Sure you can." He nods and adds more hot water for you as you pull off the oversized tee and your panties.

Jared doesn't bat an eye or pass comment, he simply holds your hand to steady you as you climb in and sit down between his legs.

"Turn 'round..." He motions and sits up a little more before helping you to scoot back. "Lean back..." Jared wraps his arms over you as you do so. "Close your eyes..."

You don't remember much else as you soon drift off after that only to wake a few hours later in Jared's bed with his arms still around you.

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