Drabble - Pillow Talk [Shannon Leto]

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Shannon's pillow still smelled of him even after three months away. You had fallen asleep on his side of the bed cuddling it; it wasn't the same as his cuddles but for now it would have to do.

You had fallen into a dreamless sleep that had left you feeling restless each time you woke up and shifted position; at one point you knew you were actually dreaming because you felt familiar arms around you and a soft voice lulling you into a relaxed state.

The morning light was streaking through the curtains that you never closed properly and there was a faint sound of birds; spring was definitely in the air.

There was something else too. You still had your eyes closed but there was someone else in the room with you. You smile, remembering the dream from the previous night and wishing it really was Shannon.

Sighing softly you open your eyes and blink quickly. "Shan....?"

"Hey babygirl." He smiles at you from your side of the bed.

"When..?" You frown and rub your eyes.

"Early hours. Been watching you ever since."

"...was it actually your arms around me?"

Shannon nods and strokes your face. "You were so tense 'til then. You slept easy the rest of the night."

You shuffle and move over towards him to snuggle. "Thank you."

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