Drabble - Thank You [Jared Leto]

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"...wait... What was that for? Thank you for what, sweetie?" Jared frowns and watches you hurry off back to your hotel room.

You giggle to yourself and smile, curling up on your bed to chill for a while. The touring was fun but not something you could so regularly; you understood now how come Jared got sick so often.

A knock on your door brings you out of your daze; five hours have passed since you apparently closed your eyes for longer than intended.

Opening the door Jared is stood waiting "hey, mind if I come in?"

You move out the way and motion for him to come in, closing the door behind him. "What can I help you with?"

"...what was the 'thank-you' for, earlier?" He sits on the edge of your bed and smiles, watching you.

"Just y'know...?" You shrug and fold your arms. You weren't exaxtly sure how to put it all into words.

Jared shakes his head, "I don't... Please?"

You sigh and wander the room a little, trying to put everything together in your head before you said it. "This... I dunno how this is gonna come out..."

He nods and motions he'll listen and wait without interruption.

"...the things you do and say, you don't do them because you're being paid to... Because they make you money... You say them and do the things... Because you mean it all; Because it has meaning to you.... And the things that you say and do, and the things you write - it's all from your heart... And they give meaning to other people... Helps them find meaning in their lives... Helps them carry on when they once maybe thought that there wasn't any point any more... Your music gives meaning to so much bullshit in the world. You manage to say what others can't find the words for... without your passion... And Shannon's... Without your talent and your words and your music.... There would be less people in this world because... Many would have given up. You rescue them... Us..... Me."

You chew your lip, realising you had been looking at the floor the entire time and finally looking to Jared.

"So... Thank you." You smile a little and watch him stand, walking to you and wrapping his arms tight around you.

"Thank ~you." He whispers.

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