Drabble - Lingerie Set [Jared Leto]

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You pout and huff as you pull off yet another set of lingerie which suddenly no longer fits you. Throwing it to the ground to the pile you rummage in nothing but a towel to try and find something else.

Jared stands in the door way of the bedroom and watches you, chewing his lip thoughtfully; he can see you getting flustered and upset at yourself.

Quietly he heads off to a cupboard and takes out a box marked with the double G for Gucci then carries it through to the bedroom where you are knelt on the floor sniffling.

"You okay babygirl?" He places the box on the bed.

You shake your head and wipe your eyes "none of my underwear fits right anymore and my dress is ripped and my heels broke and now my make up is ruined!"

Jared sits beside you and pulls you close, lightly stroking your hair. "Well you make an adorable Panda so it's it's all good..." He chuckles. "We can get your dress fixed..."

"But not for--..."

Jared hushes you gently watching you start to panic about the awards ceremony and it's dress code.

"I have three closets full of clothes that have no gender... I'm positive we can find you something that can be dressed up. Okay?"

You sniff and nod "I guess..."

"There's something on the bed for you." He pecks your nose lightly and chuckles when you frown. "That's adorable."

You stand with his help and look at the box "this is for me?"

"Yup. You've been down about having nothing that fits... I kinda guessed your err... Ladies had grown..." He motions your breasts "and it's always nice to have matching panties to go with new bras..."

You open the box to find three sets; all the same design but different colour schemes and materials.

"I think the black set would be perfect." Jared smiles.

"This must... Have cost a fortune."

"Happy early anniversary babygirl." He kisses you sweetly. "Wanna go check out my closets?"

You nod and sniff a little "thank you Jay.."

"Any time... Don't like seeing you upset." He wraps his arm around you and leads you off to a large walk in dressing room to search through it.

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