Drabble - Sleep Paralysis [Jared Leto]

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The feeling was overwhelming and terrifying; your heart beats heavy in your chest and you feel like you've forgotten how to breathe.

The room is too dark, even for this time of the night and you have the undeniable feeling that something is watching you; not just watching you but that heavy pressure on your chest makes itself more known - is it sitting on your chest?

You try and move but you can't; the panic rises within you when you can't even move your pinky finger.

You could swear in the darkness you can see the outline of a person in shadow with dimly glowing eyes.

Jared stirs from his sleep beside you and shuffles when he notices a change in your breathing; stretching himself a little he rolls over and faces you only to see your eyes wide in terror. He looks around the room then sits up when he finds nothing out of the ordinary, turning on a dim lamp to illuminate everything better in the early hours.

You whimper a little, though you can't tell if you whimper aloud or just in your head. Something lights up in your peripheral vision but not enough to clear the darkness from your field of view.

He sits himself up and turns to face you fully when he hears you whimper under your breath. Figuring you were having a waking nightmare of some sort he lays himself down beside you and strokes your hair, talking to you calmly and whispering soothing comments to make sure you knew you were safe.

A familiar voice breaks through the darkness and a warmth starts from your head. As the words continue, a soothing feeling relaxes your breathing, slows your heart rate; the shadow figure fades out until it disappears completely and the weight lifts from your torso. A glowing light strengthens from your peripheral and slowly, you can move your eyes to see the outline of Jared beside you; it's his words that brought you back.

You start moving from your toes up, the movements are small but movements nonetheless. Your body fully relaxes and you roll onto your side into Jared's waiting arms; he continues to whisper to you and press light kisses to your forehead.

You don't know how he knew you needed him but he did and you feel like he's once again saved you from yourself.

His words fade out as your eyes close and full sleep takes over giving you nothing but rest and sweet dreams in his arms.

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