Peter x reader

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Warnings- ocd, confession, intrusive thoughts, panic attack, crying, shaking

Peter as  Best friend 

pronouns- they/them 


It had been the same since you could remember. The ordering, the organising the need of repeating words over and over again otherwise you thought the world was going to end, in the back of your mind you knew that it wouldn't but you couldnt help it. 

School was torture, no on knew and no one understood... Not even Peter, he didn't join in but he would just look down in shame as he wasn't sure. You had enough and stormed out the class in tears, you ran down the corridor and used your powers to get on the roof where it was peaceful. No laughter. No terror. Just peace. 

The crippling anxiety choked you and shook you like a doll but you managed to pull out your phone and call Tony as he was the one who knew. 

"T-Tony Tony, Help please please."

Tony-"kiddo, where are you, just listen to my voice ok? Friday where are they?.. I'm coming kiddo its ok I promise just hang in there ok?" You close your eyes trying to control your breathing then feel the safety of Tony's arms as he embraced you in a hug. Thats when you heard your best friend shout your name.

Peter-"y/n! y/n?" 

Tony-"Pete, they're over here. I need you to understand something ok?" Peter nods. "Y/n has OCD which is Obsessive-compulsive disorder, meaning that she might repeat words or have to have things in order, shes no weird or a freak she is normal like the rest of us ok?" Peter nods and you lift your head up to face him. 

"i-im sorry sorry that I didn't tell tell you." Peter smiles sadly and embraces you in a hug which you enjoy.

After you calm down you all go to the compound and enjoy the rest of the day training and chilling. 

Maybe helpful marvel oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora