Bucky x reader

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warnings- anxiety, small panic attack, cute Bucky, cursing


Bucky is your boyfriend


It was the first day of your new job. Being an avenger. You were really nervous but even though Bucky wasn't an avenger he stayed with you as he was your very protective boyfriend since when you first met which was 1937 yes I know a long fucking time ago. And now you were as happy as can be well... as happy as it got for now. He could tell you were getting very nervous as he knew you had anxiety and suffered from panic attacks. Your hands were shaking and your breathing increased. 

"hey, hey y/n look at me." You turn to him and hold his hands as your whole body starts to shake. 

"B-Buck what if t-they don't like me o-or I'm not good enough?" He pulls you in for a hug.

"doll, you will be great trust me ok? Just deep breaths... in and out. Thats it, well done." You start to calm down and your shaking slows a bit but your still on edge.

"Doll, I know you might not want to tell anyone about your anxiety or panic attacks but we need to let at least Steve know because we both trust him and then at least he can help you if I'm not around ok?" You nod and hug Bucky as tight as you can. 

"Buck, I wish you could stay." He sighs and kisses your forehead.

"I know Doll but I killed Starks parents and he still doesn't trust me, I'm sorry." You sigh and kiss his metal arm.

"But w-what if I convince stark to let you stay here? It wasn't you who killed them it was Hydra." You look at each other sadly as you wont be able to see each other as much. 

"I know baby, I'm sorry." You just sigh and hold onto him but don't talk for the rest of the way.

Then the doors open...

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