Clint x reader

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warnings- losing a lost one, grieving, cemetery, mention of cancer, self harm, depression


Clint is your brother


It was the hardest day of the year. The anniversary of your mums death. You were badly affected by it as you and your mum were so close, today it had been a year since she died of cancer. It broke you into a million pieces that couldn't be fixed, well at least that you didn't think could be fixed. Clint your brother was there every step even when you were battling depression and self harm. He understood and you couldn't be more thankful. Every time you hurt he came to your side immediately and assisted you, but today was different you didn't want to come out of your room and Clint hadn't come in yet. After a while it was about 11am and yet you still couldn't find the motivation to get out of your bed so you messaged Clint asking if he could. 

After a few minutes there was a knock at your door and he walked in and just came over and hugged you, the scent of his hoodie was intoxicating. He knew you liked to wear his stuff as it was over sized and comfy, he took it off and gave it to you so you put it on and he helped you out of bed and downstairs to which he made you breakfast. Your favourite. 

After a while you didn't speak maybe the odd thank you and Please but that was about it, he knew what was wrong so he didn't want to pre-empt you to say anything. Finally you got the courage to say something to Clint.

"Clint.. can we go to say hi?" He nods and grabs your hand then grabs his jacket and you both walk to the shop without saying much just the odd conversation which only last a few minutes. When you reach the shop you go straight over to the flower section and pick out some new red roses as they were your mums favourite flower. Then after you buy them you walk over to the cemetery which feels like eternity. The dark, eerie feeling hits you as son as you take a step in the area which makes you hold on to Clint's hand tighter. Even though it had only been a year you knew exactly where the grave was. Hesitantly you let go of Clint's hand and walked over the grave lightly tracing your fingers over the engraved words. 

"Mum... I miss you so much, I love you and I'm sorry it was my fault." Tears chocked your throat as you spoke. Unknowingly, Clint had walked over and heard you blaming yourself, you placed the crimson red roses on the grave and stood up, tears flowing down your cheeks for the 1 millionth time this year, Cint knew what you were going through and how badly it effected you so he pulled you into a tight hug and picked you up on the way home letting you sob onto his shoulder, not caring what people saw or said he carried you home and placed you in his bed kissing your forehead and he was about to walk out when you tugged his sleeve and he came and lay with you as you cried until you fell asleep, not long after him falling asleep to. 

Ok I love this chapter but I wrote it based on my feelings as my mum died and it was 7 years anniversary of her death a few days ago so I wrote what I felt and lmao I cried cause I'm a baby lol but ye hope you guys like it :) 

Maybe helpful marvel oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora