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It's really busy today, with Halloween coming up on Monday. Taki even ends up staying out on the floor until my lunch, which is pretty unusual. Interestingly, there's Christmas stuff set up already in the seasonal section. It's not even Halloween yet.

Taki comes up and checks his watch. "You okay if I take care of some stuff in back before I send you to lunch? I'm a little behind today."

I shake my head and smile. "Not at all."

"Thanks." He gives me a short wave and heads to the back while I straighten some stuff out up front.

According to Taki, there aren't that many DealDashers that come by this store as there's another, more popular one that they use, just down the street, so he suspects she's new. Also, we don't accommodate Dashers by getting their order ready ahead of time because we almost never have the manpower to keep up with it, so a lot of people avoid ordering from this one. Even so, upper management refuses to turn it off completely, but Dashers aren't exactly a regular occurrence overall.

Meanwhile, Karma's still brainstorming exactly how to get revenge. It's just not right that she can get away with something illegal, but it's a pretty safe neighborhood here. The police don't exactly feel the need to walk the streets in this area on a regular basis.

And then there's the fact that Karma coming across her again is pretty unlikely, so it's up to me, and I'm just here once a week. What are the chances I'll see her again either?


"Welcome to—" my eyes widen. No freaking way.

It's the lady. And right there on the curb is her freaking car with its hazards on. Again .

She smiles sarcastically. "I'll just be a minute. Think you can handle it this time?" Without waiting for an answer, she heads into the store to do her shopping.

Once out of sight, I fumble for the phone and call Taki.

"What's up?" He answers after a single ring.

"She's here." I desperately mumble into the receiver, hoping there's something we can do this time.

"Who, the Dasher?" He asks.

"Yes!" I violently whisper at him.

He pauses for a second. "I got it. Take your time ringing her up and try to keep her from looking outside." He hangs up and I resist the urge to jump in excitement that we'll be able to do something this time.

I return the phone to its cradle and wonder what his plan is.

She takes a little longer to come up front this time, which only aggravates me more. I cross my arms and tap my foot. How does she think this is okay? Talk about rude. I take a quick glance outside, just in time to see her car driving off without her. My face pales and my jaw drops a bit.

"Staring at my car like that isn't going to make me stop doing it." She confidently tosses her groceries up on the counter.

I turn back to her, thankful she didn't look outside. Never in a million years would I have thought Taki was capable of grand theft auto. I force as natural a smile as I can muster and quickly frown because I realize she'll be more suspicious if I'm nice.

"Why do you do that?" I casually scan her items.

She leans up on the counter, holding her card to her lips with a smile. "Because parking there makes me faster which increases my ratings which means I get better tips. And the only ones I care about rating me are my customers. You're just the middle man, so I don't care how you feel about it. I got a job to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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