Standing at the Edge of a Cliff

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Mom's never been asleep when I left before.

"I'm leaving!" I call out. There's a quiet groan from her bedroom, but not much else of a response. That's the third time this week she's been to the bar. I sigh and head to work.

She seemed really sincere about just wanting to feel young and beautiful again, but it seems she's going a little far with it. To be fair, I think she ended up making some new friends and she's no longer going alone, but considering she met them at the bar, maybe that's not such a good thing.

Also, she came home drunk last night.

I've never seen her drunk before and I admit I could've responded better to her than the way I did, but it was three in the morning when she finally came home. She was really happy despite my attitude when she passed out an hour later, but I didn't think she had it in her to be like that. She cared so much about her image; I'm amazed she'd let it go so easily even in front of me.

Then again, I encouraged her, didn't I?


"Hey, welcome in!" Taki greets me.

"Hey!" I smile back and clock in as he bends over and grabs something from behind the counter.

"Hey!" I smile back and clock in as he bends over and grabs something from behind the counter

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It's only been a week. Maybe she'll be better on Monday.

"So, how about you start in back today?" Taki grins, handing me a printout of the order and the PDA. "And I put four more of those into locker 8 for while I'm gone. The combination is 5-1-8-5. Let's see how you do today as if I weren't here."

I find myself starting to smile before I realize how happy that makes me. "Alright!"

Between school starting up again and things with Mom, it's nice to not have to deal with people today. I hurry back, excited. I pass the cooler area and spot a lone container of sushi. I decide to forego it for myself and grab it for Felt instead. Who knows how many times she missed out on it before. She can have it this time.

Once in the storage area, I put the sushi in the small fridge section and set the order print out to the side for later. I'm confident I'll get everything done and stocked by the end of the day if I put my mind to it, so I just jump right in and go. It feels natural, and easy. And just like last time, it's peaceful. I love working back here! It doesn't take me long to fill my first cart and I head back out to stock the shelves.

I do this two more times when I run into Felt and realize just how fast the time flew by.

"Oh, hey." She smirks. "So, did ya save me some sushi or what?"

"Actually, I did! Hold on a moment." I leave the cart with her and run to the fridge in storage to grab it for her. I return a minute later. "Here! It was the only one we had today."

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