Extra Responsibilities

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The first thing I do after I clock in and Taki goes to the back is check the cooler aisle for the sushi. It's already empty. So they come here before I come in? I'm about to let Taki know when the bell goes off.


I hurry back towards the front and haphazardly rattle off the line, not expecting someone in so soon.

I hurry back towards the front and haphazardly rattle off the line, not expecting someone in so soon

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From that point on, it gets busy and stays that way. It isn't so bad that I can't get anything else done, but with school starting back up soon, the sale on stationery brings in a lot of customers.

After two hours of a steady flow of people, I get a group of teenagers, which is fine, except the first guy hands me a half empty bag of chips. I look into the bag, confused.


"Yeah, got hungry. Mind moving it along?" The guy moves his hand in a circular motion like a wheel.

I ring it up and he pays for it. I furrow my brows and don't say anything. His friend comes up next and hands me an empty energy drink with a couple other items. I stare at it a moment.

"What are you, slow in the head or something? We got a movie to catch." He pushes.

I quickly scan the items and pause putting the empty can into the bag with the rest of the stuff.

"You can just toss it back there." He waves at me dismissively, handing me his form of payment.

I just set the can to the side and sigh in relief when his card goes through. What if it didn't work though? I hand back his card with both hands. He carelessly grabs it and his bag, the next guy sheepishly placing an empty bag of chips and an open bag of candy onto the counter.

I push down my irritations about the consumed products and scan the items while he nervously digs into his pockets.

"Oh, shit." He turns his pockets inside out and flips his wallet upside down. He only has five dollars and the total is just over that.

I emptily glare at the trio.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, I got it." The first guy slaps another five onto the counter.

I accept the cash and hand him back the change.

"Judgmental little shit. Let's go." The first guy tells his friends, grabbing the bag and ushering them out.


I can't help but stare after them. Do people really think it's okay to consume things before they buy them? I look over at the carts Taki brought up while I was busy and sigh, letting it go.

While putting things away, I keep an eye out for the empty sushi thing and anything else the guys may have consumed and not paid for. After stocking the whole store, I luckily don't find anything. Not even the sushi. That's weird.

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