Clean Up in the Cooler Aisle

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I'm very anxious coming into work.


And for good reason, apparently.

Taki looks over and stares, wary. He doesn't say the line or smile or anything. I swallow the sudden dryness in my throat and force a smile.

"H-Hey!" I give him a small wave and go to fetch my apron before clocking in.

His eyes follow me everywhere. It sends chills up my spine as I swipe the card and select the clock-in option. I slowly turn to him and try to gauge how he's feeling.

His frequency's a little nervous, but quiet.

"So, uh..." I have no idea what to say.

"So here's the deal." Taki crosses his arms, his gaze stern. "I can't believe I have to make a rule about this, but no killing on the clock."

My face pales and I just stare in his direction, confused.

"I'm not helping you bury a body no matter how good an employee you are. You'll be fired on the spot." He explains.

Does he really think he has to make a rule about that?

"Also, don't just run out of the store like you did last week with the pen." He adds. "I mean, let me know you just need to return something. Running out like that with no clear reason is grounds for termination. I had no idea when or if you were really coming back."

I lower my head in shame. Fair...

"And, um..." He nervously glances at the front and over his shoulder. "If you decide to confront any more thieves..."

My ears perk up.

"Don't seriously injure them and be careful, no matter what they're stealing." He finishes.

I consider the clarified rules a moment. "So... you're okay if I confront them again?"

He lowers his head, his aura nervous but determined. "I don't exactly have another way to deal with them and if they aren't hurt in any serious way, I have no reason to tell you not to." He looks me over carefully. "You don't seem like it up front, but clearly you can take care of yourself." He raises a warning finger. "But choose your moments carefully. This is an off-the-record thing. I never approved this." He clarifies. "Are you okay with that?"

His frequency, although quiet, starts to make more sense to me. I nod and he seems to relax a bit more.

"Speaking of that pen incident," he pulls out a piece of paper from behind the counter, "you got another comment in one of those surveys."

My eyes widen and I gracefully accept the paper, reading the note.

"It really means so much that Nagisa went out of his way to return my pen to me. To anyone else, it may have been seen as unnecessary, but Nagisa genuinely cares about the customers that frequent Convenience. They're lucky to have him."

I smile to myself, happy to have helped him with something so precious.

"Keep up the hard work." Taki bows out and heads to the back.

Feeling triumphant, I can't help but smile.

Feeling triumphant, I can't help but smile

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