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I walk into work, hurrying over to the locker room to fetch an apron and drop off my stuff.

"Hello, Nagisa." Taki waves to me in passing. "You brought a backpack today?"

"Be right back!" I can't believe I'm late and I'm supposed to be training today.

I stuff my school bag into a locker and dash back out with an apron, sliding my card at four minutes past ten. I sink into myself and look up at Taki, worried I'll be reprimanded for being a bit late without a heads up.

He raises an eyebrow. "You okay?"

I sigh with relief. "Sorry I'm late. I forgot to pack my bag last night so I can head to Karma's after work to study."

"That's alright. It's your first occurrence so just don't make it a habit and you'll be fine." He turns to leave, but pauses after a few steps, glancing back. "Haruhi will be in at eleven. She should already know how to clock in and everything. Did you want any advice on how to train her?"

Haruhi, huh? "Oh, um, do I just show her what I do?"

"For now, just walk her through how to use the register and let her ring up a few customers. She's already got a good handle on what her primary duties will be." He explains.

"Oh." I pause. "What're those?"

"Oh, right. It's just been you and me." He wanders back over so he doesn't have to talk so loud. "There are three main jobs. Well, four technically, but I've been doing two for as long as I can remember, so three." He dismisses the interjection with a wave. "We have the front person, which is you, the back person, which is me, and the floor person, which will be Haruhi.

"She's in charge of cleaning shelves, stocking products, and assisting customers out on the floor."

I blink a few times. "Wait, so that's not my job?"

He smirks. "When it gets busy, you can't get away from the register, but that doesn't mean people don't need help out on the floor. Did you not notice that I usually filled in that position when you were stuck up front?"

My mouth falls open. "Wait, so you're doing three people's jobs?"

"Pretty much." He rubs the back of his neck. "So it'll be really nice to have Haruhi here. She's doing her training after school and through the weekend, but she'll only be working weekends after that." He raises his hand and takes his leave. "Anyway, let me know if you have any questions."


I watch him disappear and narrow my eyes after. But then what do I do if there aren't any customers?

I don't have much time to worry about it because a small group of people walks in.

I don't have much time to worry about it because a small group of people walks in

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It's a little busier than normal, making the hour pass by quickly. In fact, it surprises me when the person with short brown hair walks right behind the counter and waits for me to finish up the transaction. It takes me a second to realize who it is.

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