Magical Abilities

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"Did you see that boy?"

"Oh my god, he's so cute."

Two ladies exit the store as I brush past them. Boy? I turn to see who's at the register and Haruhi looks up.

"Oh, good morning." She tilts her head and smiles.

I slide off my backpack and stare at her a second. "Hey, um, I think those girls thought you were a boy."

"Oh really?" She giggles. "I had a feeling they were interested."

I raise an eyebrow. "You really don't care if they think you're a boy?"

"No. Why should I?"

Even though her question is so simple, I find it impossible to answer. Once again, I'm amazed by her confidence and straightforward nature.

How do I stop caring about what other people think of me? I inwardly groan and take my backpack to the employee lockers before heading back to clock in.

A customer enters the store and Haruhi smiles.

The woman eyes us up and down distastefully and walks over to an aisle with a "Hmph!"

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The woman eyes us up and down distastefully and walks over to an aisle with a "Hmph!".

I select the clock in option. Why do people come in if they're cranky? Just don't go anywhere if you're gonna be cranky.

"So how was training? You finished it already, right?" I face Haruhi.

"Yup! Even though I only have availability on the weekends, I wanted to get the training out of the way so I can focus on studying for midterms." She explains.

"Makes sense."

The woman quickly appears with her arms crossed.

"Oh, hello! Did you need help with something?" Haruhi chimes in with a pleasant smile despite the woman's clearly annoyed demeanor. After a moment's silence, she changes tactics. "I like what you've done with your hair. It looks professional and it came out really nice."

I gloss over the woman's hair. It does look a little shiny... Did she just get it cut?

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same about yours, young lady." The customer snips back.

"Oh?" Haruhi responds, sounding curious but she's got her guard up now and she's ready to do whatever it is she does to magically calm people down.

"And you, young man," the woman turns to me, making me jump, "you should be ashamed of yourself."

"Uhh, what?" I shake my head, confused.

"He has nothing to be ashamed of and neither do I." Haruhi interjects, her voice firm.

The woman turns her wrath onto her, that apparently being the opening she wanted. "You absolutely should be ashamed. Boys should look like boys and girls should look like girls! Young man, you need a haircut and you, young lady, now I know no woman in her right mind would approve of any haircut that would make you look like a boy! Kids these days..."

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