Getting Old

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After what happened last week, I doubt I'll ever be that nervous again. It was random. It was insane. I doubt any experience will ever compare, and I had to assassinate my own mutant teacher.


I hope someday I'll learn not to think things like "after something like that, nothing will surprise me."

Anyway, I'll start with "it wasn't a bad day today." It was just weird. And creepy.

I feel even more confident this time as I enter the store. I still remind myself that I'm an assassin and I'm awesome at my job and my boss actually likes me even if sometimes it feels like he doesn't and my mom's proud of me for being here more than a month.

She doesn't ask for any of my money, but I make sure to purchase some of my own necessities and even bought dinner for the first time the other night. The money goes surprisingly fast, but even that little bit has made Mom so much happier. Maybe I'll be good to go when I get my hair cut.

I've picked out a day and everything.

Akari and Karma said they wanted to be there for a before and after picture and honestly, I'm totally on board with it. Getting a job was one thing, but cutting my hair is like freeing myself from the thickest chain my mom had me locked up in. It's a statement to the world, and I'll finally be me.

These are the things going through my mind on my way to work. Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good when I clock in. I stock the store as soon as Taki brings out a cart, I say the line perfectly every time I hear the bell ring, and it's busy, but not too busy.

Like last week, it slows down around two o'clock or so and I focus on making the store look nice. I notice a few of the canned coffees missing again and stomp my foot once, disappointed in myself for not checking as soon as I came in. I need to catch them next time... I write myself a note in my little pocketbook.


"Welcome to Convenience!" I finish the note and hurry back to the front for the rest of the line. "The store for all your needs and necessities."

The older gentleman smiles and nods, casually strolling into the store like he knows exactly what he needs. I wait by the register in case he's quick and try to remember if those kids came in again. I think I saw one of them...

Taki comes up with just a basket instead of a cart and asks me to put the items away.

After a moment or two of the old guy still perusing the store, I figure I'll put them away really quick. Naturally, he's waiting there when I come back to the register.

"Oh, sorry for the wait. Did you find everything you needed?" I rush to scan his items, hoping he didn't have to wait too long.

He nods, looking me over closely. "Yeah, I think so."

I smile back and place the lotion in a bag. I pick up the next item and freeze, eyeing him a little closer. Guy's gotta be like seventy, at least. He's really getting condoms?

He smiles a little bigger.

I decide not to ask about it and add it to the bag. He's also getting baby oil. I feel like these items might be related, but I'm not quite sure how.

"Say, you're such a pretty young thing." He leans on the counter, a confident smile on his face. "Would you do me the great honor of joining me for dinner some time?"

He just asked me out on a date. I stare emptily at him, my brain attempting to work. I could have said I was a quarter his age. I could have told him I'm a boy. I could have said any number of things to chase him away, but instead, I say, "Sorry, but I'm taken..."

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