Thick Skin

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Going to work actually cheers me up a bit, considering how hard the past couple of days have been. I greet Taki, clock into work, and jump right into it. He seems to have finally processed everything and is okay with who I am and how I handled things with the thieves. He tells me to deal with those things how I see fit, but to be careful and that it's not expected of me. In fact, it's funny how nervous he looked saying I could still come to him if I wasn't up to the task. It makes me feel like I belong, just as I am.

Unfortunately, it's not the same at home.

Mom asked about my hair and sincerely expressed how she doesn't want me cutting it. She paid careful attention to her words, avoiding things like "pretty" or "feminine". I guess she finally understands that I'm not going to be the daughter she always wanted. She even tried to show me pictures of famous men that have long hair. Naturally, they're also really buff and really tall, two things I am clearly not, but obviously it's something she really doesn't want me to do.

But still...

A middle aged woman enters the store.

She politely smiles back and wanders into the store

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She politely smiles back and wanders into the store. I finish cleaning some of the shelves and stocking them, hurrying back to the front before she's done shopping. The lunch rush should be starting soon, so I'll just stay here.

A few minutes later, the woman comes up to check out. "Are you the only one here?" She furrows her brows.

"Oh, um, there's someone in the back, but I'm the only one in front right now." I explain apologetically. "Did you need help finding something?"

She tsks at me, shaking her head. "You really need to hire more people." She says like it's my fault.

"Uhh, yeah, unfortunately we're a little understaffed at the moment." I quietly respond.

"It's really not that hard to do." She rolls her eyes. "Just hire more people."

My eyebrows push together. Does she think I'm the one that does that? Not only am I young, but I look younger. Am I missing something?

"Anyway, this is all I need." She puts a journal on the counter and slides it over.

It's a small thing, but she places it like she wants me to look at the cover even though the barcode's on the other side. I just flip it over and scan it.

"Okay, that'll be $32.73."

"What!" She yells. "That's outrageous!"

I remember the one Fujitaka got, which was actually more expensive than this, but since then, it doesn't surprise me as much. "I'm sorry ma'am. Did you want to look at some of the more inexpensive ones?"

"No, I want this one." She firmly points at it. "It's supposed to be %50 off."

"Oh, it is?" I look all over for one of those clearance stickers since we don't have any sales going on at the moment. "Was there a sign out there?"

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