Parking Police

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I hate today. I hate today. I hate today.

"Aww, why the long face?" Karma teases after having forcefully pulled me out of the bathroom and stealing my normal clothes.

I furrow my brows at him. "Why couldn't I have been the demon?"

"You're not tall enough." He counters with that infamous devilish smile of his.

"And besides, you look so cute in this!" Akari adds, wrapping her arms around mine.

"No I don't!" My face falls and I feel dead inside for getting caught in yet another one of these traps. "I can't believe this was your idea. I feel betrayed."

Karma pinches my cheek and pulls. "Oh, come on. Be a good master. Heheh, whoops!"

I hate today.

Taki raises an eyebrow at me

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Taki raises an eyebrow at me. "It's actually really weird how good you look in that." He narrows his eyes at the top of my head. "Is that a wig?"

"It is, but it feels so real." Akari fluffs it a bit, fixing up the ponytails.

I sink down behind the counter, hugging my knees. "Please tell me I don't have to wear this all day."

"You do, but I'll protect you, as it is my job as your personal demon." Karma proudly declares.

"And if it really bothers you, why'd you put it on?" Akari asks.

I glare at Karma hatefully. Because I didn't actually have a choice. He knowingly smirks in response.

"All this talk of not caring about your looks and all of a sudden, you care?" Karma shrugs. "Why the change of heart?"

I rise to my feet. "Being comfortable in my skin is not the same as being comfortable wearing just anything. If it's not that big a deal, why didn't you wear the dress?"

He grins devilishly, glancing up as though formulating some sort of plan. "How much do you think it'd bother Shuu if I just showed up to our next date in one?"

I stare at him blankly. Wow, he really isn't bothered by the idea.

"You know, I was kind of skeptical at first, but you two are really cute together." Akari smiles, happy.

"Really filling in your role as a fujoshi maid, aren't you?" He teases back and they both laugh.

Taki gives me a sympathetic look. "Would you rather work in back today?"

I lift the end of the dress and watch it fall as I let it go. "I would, but I'd hate to ruin the dress somehow and it isn't exactly easy to move in."

"And if I don't get it back in perfect condition, it's coming out of your pocket." Akari growls.

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