his fingers eventually met the cool material of his phone which he had slid under his pillow. did he want to check it or not? did he want to listen to johnny or not? if he picked it up, what would he even be looking for? mark wasn't sure what it was that he wanted to know, but he knew he needed that feeling of sureness before he could go to sleep. he just needed to know that donghyuck was okay.

   he pulled of the messaging app and found donghyuck's contact. his finger hovered over it before pressing down and reaching their chat. he sent a quick text about checking in and making sure he was okay before switching the device off.

   with access to anything he wanted, mark was worried that johnny was right and that he would learn something that was too much for him at the time, and he would ruin his schedules for the next day. fighting every urge he had and using all his will-power, mark slid his phone back under the pillow and rested his head on it. 

   he forced the curiosity and questions away, and closed his eyes to sleep. he had a long day prepared for himself and he wan't going to let it get messed up.


donghyuck's eyes shot wide open as he gasped and sucked in a breath of air. 

   from there, the next thirty minutes to an hour was a blur. doctors and nurses swarmed around him as well as many lights being shined in his face.  some of the members came in to check up on him but had to leave due to being busy. once all the health checkups were complete and donghyuck came out with positive results to leave, he changed into clothes that kun had brought for him and gathered all his belongings. 

   kun was only one who managed to stay with him and he broke into a grin when donghyuck dizzly stepped out of the hospital room. "hi hyung," he said, throat dry. kun passed him a bottle of water before speaking, "are you okay?" donghyuck nodded, knowing how much of a lie it was.

   "i feel fine," he said, gulping down half the bottle in seconds. kun eyed him skeptically but then proceeded, "there's a car for us outside. are you ready to go?" "yep," the purple haired male said before following kun towards the parking lot. 

   he purposely didn't ask about what exactly happened when he passed out because he didn't want it to get to his head and ruin his professionalism. all he knew was that he spent the night at the hospital and woke up some time around noon, and he was okay with that. still, he wanted to notify his parents as soon as possible and check his messages from his manager incase he missed out on anything crucial. 

   he pulled out his phone from his pocket and was surprised to see that notifications flooded his lockscreen, causing him to momentarily panic. a lot of them were from social media which led him to wonder if the news of him passing out had gotten out to the public. "hyung...," donghyuck called out as he stopped walking. kun stopped too and turned around to look at him. "what's up?"his gaze flickered down to the device in donghyuck's hand as he released a sigh. "don't worry about it, okay? i'll inform you on anything that you missed out on as long as you ask the right questions."

   donghyuck nodded in agreement as it was probably for the best anyway. he followed donghyuck to their car where kun's manager was waiting and climbed into the backseat. his head was spinning with questions that he didn't even know where to start. well, actually he did.

   "does mark hyung know?" he asked, buckling his seatbelt. he could imagine how anxious mark might be when he found out that something happened to him, and the last thing he wanted was mark to not do his very best during schedules and be mad at himself later. 

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