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"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Shouto flinched at his father's roar. He didn't doubt that he deserved it. Multiple heroes had seen him and his friends rushing to rescue Bakugo. It was nothing short of a miracle that the media hadn't caught wind of it, but in light of All Might's retirement, there were more important things than the actions of a small group of students.

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED, SHOUTO!" Shouto hasn't ever seen Touya so angry before. Not even when Father first discovered their weekly ritual with Nabe and Tenko. His eldest brother was practically spitting flames as his blue eyes seemed to glow with the same fires of his quirk. It cast an azure tinge over his hair that made him look just like a younger version of his dad. He looked like Nabe. That is...if Nabe ever got angry. Shouto wasn't convinced the man could get angry. In the years of knowing him, Shouto had only ever seen a smile, or sometimes an exasperated look on his face. Touya was still yelling at him.

"WHAT GAVE YOU THE IDEA TO GO INTO A BATTLE ZONE AND FIGHT AGAINST THE VILLAINS, SHOUTO?!" Shouto fiddled with his hands, playing with his fingers as he did his best not to look his family in the eyes. They surrounded him, not letting him escape to his room. It had been like this ever since they got back from Kamino.

"It dangerous Shouto." His mother had wrapped her arms around him, and refused to let go. Her embrace was both comfort and restraint. Shouto could feel the guilt eating at him.

"I...don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you." His mother was brushing her hands through his hair, holding him closer as if afraid that he would disappear the moment she let go.

"I wasn't there to protect you...I was the only one not there." Shouto felt like a knife had stabbed him through the chest. His mother was the only non-hero in their family. The only one not present in Kamino when the Scourge of Kamino had attacked All Might and ended the hero's career for good. She was forced to watch as every member of her family put their life on the line in one battle. Shouto hadn't thought about her for one second when he'd gone to save Bakugo. Even when he was one of the villain's original targets. She must've been so worried when she couldn't find him at the hospital..

Sneaking a look at the rest of his family, Shouto saw Natsuo's serious expression and clenched fist, gripping onto the living room chair with enough force for the wood to splinter slightly. His older brother was furious at him. And he had every right to be. Shouto wasn't supposed to be in Kamino.

When Natsuo looked up, Shouto saw something that he hadn't seen before. He was unable to look his family in the eyes when he was escorted home, so he hadn't been able to tell, but...Natsuo was scared. Natsuo was scared for him. Natsuo was worried that Shouto had been hurt-would've been killed by the villain that had seemed so unbeatable. It only made Shouto feel worse. He had worried everyone. Even if he was there to rescue Bakugo, and had ultimately helped in the end, the way he'd chosen to do it was wrong. Not only did he put his safety at risk, and that of his classmates-but he'd also put the heroes' plan at risk. If they had failed in rescuing Bakugo, they would have only given the villains more hostages that the heroes would need to get back. Going to Kamino was stupid. Touya was right. He could have died.

Shouto felt tears prick at his eyes as he leant into his mother's hold.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone." He mumbled. He just felt so...guilty.

Suddenly, Shouto felt more arms wrap around him, and the rest of his family joined Mother in holding him.

"We're just grateful you're safe." Fuyumi said softly, as if he was made out of glass. Shouto appreciated the care she showed.

"But you're still grounded." Shouto let out a weak laugh as he nodded.

"I think I deserve that." He agreed without any trouble.

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