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At this point, gate crashing during the first rescue training session of each sibling as they started UA had become a tradition. Fuyumi had been shocked when Touya and Tenko had burst into her class' training exercise and proceeded to embarrass her by calling her their "sweet, little baby sister" and threatening any male that came within a meter of her. Thankfully, they didn't know she swung both ways. That would've been messier. After Fuyumi had left UA, it was her turn to join Touya and Tenko to embarrass Natsuo. Every family member that was inducted into their hero journey had kept silent about the encounter. They wanted their chance at doing the same to the next child after all.

Natsuo was brimming with excited energy as they met up with Touya and Tenko in front of the USJ. It was time for little Shouto to be inducted.

When they had burst into the building, they had expected to see their youngest brother blushing and everyone besides Aizawa and Thirteen shocked (they'd done the same thing too many times for anyone to be surprised anymore). They'd caused a lot of shock with their entrance. But not just from the students. There were villains everywhere! UA hasn't changed the exercise right?!

As if expecting their arrival (he probably did), Aizawa immediately barked out an order.

"Thermis! Blaze! On me! Jack Frost! Midas! Focus on rescue and evacuation!" As if they were students again, they all moved instinctively to obey orders.

Fuyumi ran to meet Touya at the center. They would need to work fast.


It wasn't fair! Natsuo pouted as he ran towards the mountain zone. He remembered whenever he had training, it was always on one of two modes: snow mountain or rock mountain. If the mountain had frozen over, he was the best person to deal with it. He could see Tenko make his way to the ruins zone. Hopefully, they'd make it in time before any of the kids got too hurt.

When Natsuo got to the mountain zone, it was as he suspected. There was a blizzard raging around them and he could see villains surrounding a small group of kids. There were three girls and one boy. One of the girls was collapsed on the ground–was she SLEEPING?! The boy had his fists clasped and looked ready to spring into action at the slightest movement. Natsuo was impressed. The kid's got fight. The other two girls were holding the sleeping girl in between them. None of the kids looked ready for the cold, and the villains were taking advantage of it.

Stomping his foot on the ground, Natsuo let loose a wave of ice that trapped all the villains where they stood. The kids looked shocked as they turned to him.

"WHO ARE YOU, YOU EXTRA?!" The boy shouted as Natsuo held his hands in the air as a show of peace.

"Pro Hero Jack Frost, at your service kids. I'm here to get you to safety." He introduced himself as a spark of recognition glinted in the students' eyes.

"Jack Frost! My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, Jiro and Tsu are with me. We're grateful for your help!" The dark-haired girl spoke as she cradled the girl, Tsu, in her arms.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible! Tsu's a frog! She can't handle the cold!" Ah. That made sense. The stakes have risen. Natsuo wouldn't have the time to interrogate any of the villains then.

Natsuo nodded his understanding at the girl before gesturing for her to hand the other girl over. Yaoyorozu didn't waste a moment, placing Tsu into Natsuo's arms as he started running out of the mountain zone, and the other kids followed him. As he ran, Natsuo couldn't help but think...obviously, the students he'd found were unsuited to the cold. Putting a girl with a frog quirk in a cold environment was either extremely good luck, on the villain's side, or they'd investigated the students. Natsuo didn't like what that meant for the heroes. They had a leak.

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