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The first meeting with the heroes was fine. They agreed to all of his terms and Null gave them the information they wanted. It was the second meeting that was the issue.

"Null, I think you should know about Midas. He's also working on the case." Blaze introduced, and Null couldn't help but mentally curse his luck. Of course this would happen to him. He couldn't be lucky and avoid his son whilst out as a vigilante. Of course. Kami hates him.

Null made sure to keep his voice steady, deepening it as he greeted his son. He didn't need suspicion on him. Not now, not ever.

"Hello, Midas. I am Null." He kept it short. Speaking too much increased the chances of Tenko recognising him, even if he deepened it. His son didn't react to his voice, whether in familiarity or realisation. He didn't even twitch. Good. And if he could help it, Null would keep it that way.


Natsuo was giddy as he looked at the papers he was holding, as per their mission, they had chosen an underground hero to assist them. The Commission gave them the option to choose which underground hero, they weren't very specific, and Natsuo doubted they even cared so long as the mission was completed. During the meetings with his siblings, they had juggled the idea of asking Eraserhead, Nyx or Selphen, all well established underground pros, but Natsuo had managed to convince both Fuyumi and Touya to invite Tenko instead. It's been far too long since they've last had a mission together! And Natsuo refused to admit it, but he enjoyed seeing Tenko's serious side whenever they collaborated. When they weren't acting as heroes, Tenko was kind, funny and gentle, almost like the "shy, boy-next-door" type, but when he got serious as a hero...The training that Nabe and UA gave him was obvious. He became this analytical, tactical genius that exuded confidence as he made plans and gave orders. In such a dangerous mission, that confidence was something that Natsuo was willing to bet his life on. Other underground heroes were fine, they were strong in their own right, but Natsuo didn't know them like he knew Tenko, didn't understand their habits or what made them tick.

Unlike Tenko, Natsuo wouldn't be able to put his full trust in them. He could trust them on other missions, but when it was a matter of life or death, he wasn't sure he could do it. He'd only been a hero for a year, not nearly enough time to build the relationships that his siblings had with other heroes. Not nearly enough time to put his faith in them just yet.


Throughout their interaction with Null, Fuyumi couldn't help but think the vigilante was It wasn't as if he was doing anything that would raise any immediate alarms, but Fuyumi saw the way he tensed when they introduced him to Tenko. Why did he do that? Did he have a bad interaction with Tenko? Tenko had told them that he'd never run into Null before, so that couldn't be it.

When the vigilante left, Fuyumi turned to her brothers.

"That vigilante is acting weird." She stated bluntly as the boys all looked at her.

"What do you mean Yumi?" Touya asked, eyebrow quirked in a show of interest.

"I mean, that vigilante was tense when we introduced him to Tenko." Fuyumi said. Her brothers just looked at her blankly.

"Are you sure Yumi?"

"I am an underground hero, I arrest a lot of wayward vigilantes. Maybe I arrested one of his friends?" Tenko shrugged as Touya and Natsuo nodded their agreement.

"Yeah Yumi, where else would he have run into Tenko? Tenko's never seen him in person before." Natsuo added and the topic was quickly brushed over. Fuyumi let the subject drop. They were right, maybe she was reading into the situation too much.

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