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UA was both everything Shouto imagined,  and so much that he didn't expect. All his half-siblings had graduated from these halls and are rapidly making their way up in the hero rankings, and Shouto would follow in their footsteps. His father had done a lot to boost their image since they were UA students themselves so Shouto knew Endeavor would go above and beyond for Shouto himself. For some reason, Endeavor liked to remind the public that Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo belonged to "the Todoroki Family" at every given opportunity. That allowed them to gain public attention and love very easily once they debuted. The media loved the "pro-hero family" idea. Shouto wouldn't be surprised if that was another reason Endeavor did that. To market himself and his "Masterpiece". Shouto didn't know whether to be impressed or annoyed at his father's cunning. He had long figured out that his siblings were not truly his full-blooded siblings, and was certain that Endeavor knew that too if the man's glares at Nabe were any indication. Whenever Endeavor would see Nabe with Shouto and his siblings, there would be a certain look in his eyes, like he wanted to fight Nabe.

Endeavor had always wanted to see Shouto surpass him as the No. 1 Hero, and he was willing to use Shouto's half-siblings in order to prop him up before he could even start high school. Truly, Endeavor was someone who thought far ahead when it came to his goals. It was both impressive and despicable.

The first day of UA was... interesting. Walking into the classroom, Shouto was immediately bombarded with a variety of different people. They were all loud, and he could see Tenya Iida bothering another student already. The blue-haired boy was someone Shouto had met on multiple occasions and Shouto always found the other boy too stiff when talking. Tenya was a stickler for the rules and never seemed to understand that not everyone saw things his way. Tenya was moving his arm up and down in a chopping motion as he berated the blonde-haired boy who was sat at his desk.

"Take your feet off of that desk now." He said.

"Huh?" The other boy didn't deign to give Tenya a proper look, staring at Tenya with a disinterested look in his eyes.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin." The arm chopping continued as Tenya stood above where the other boy was sitting.

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" Shouto had to muffle a snort that threatened to escape. Whilst that wasn't the most polite way to say it, it wasn't untrue. Tenya was too stiff, even his older brother Ingenium thought so! Ingenium and his half-siblings had worked together on multiple occasions, leading Shouto to be well acquainted with the Iida family. Shouto could see Tenya stiffen from where Shouto was standing.

What the other boy said seemed to make Tenya pause and reconsider his next words as a brief silence overtook him. After a moment of thinking, Tenya straightened up (Shouto was surprised that it was possible he could straighten up even more but somehow he did), and hand on his chest he spoke again.

"Let's start over, I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

"Somei huh? So you must think you're better than me. I'm going to have fun tearing you a new one."

"You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Shouto stopped listening after that. Tenya's arguments often got monotonous over time. He was a good person, Shouto enjoyed spending time with him sometimes, when their brothers were discussing work, but whenever Tenya got into "rant mode"... yeah. Shouto's not dealing with that.

Walking to an empty seat in the back row, Shouto put his bag down and started putting his notebooks and pencil case into his desk. He placed his theory notebook on top. If his family had secrets, it was likely their pro-hero teachers would also have a few secrets of their own. Shouto wanted to document them.

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