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Null was once again out on the prowl. His kids were all pro heroes now, except for little Shouto, so he didn't have to worry about getting caught sneaking out as much. When Tenko had still been at UA, Touya was always worried his nightly activities would be discovered, but now his boy had his own apartment, though he would come home and visit at least once a week. Tenko was sweet, always worrying about whether he was lonely or not. Touya was very happy with how his son had grown.

From where he sat on the roof, he could see the moon casting a milky glow on the streets. There were few people out tonight, though Null knew if he had ventured closer to the bar district, there would most likely be groups of people going out to celebrate. Tonight, he would just be patrolling the area, stopping the odd crime here and there. It was peaceful.

A piercing scream broke the quiet and Null jumped to investigate. In the dark cover of night, a tall figure loomed over the frame of a young woman. Her clothes were ripped, and even drunk, she was crying as she fought against her attacker. Null immediately jumped into the fight, kicking the man in the head. The attacker recoiled from the blow but stood back up, fists raised and ready to fight him.

Null didn't get the chance to bring the man down though as familiar red feathers pinned the man to the wall. A cheeky voice called out to him. It was bright and friendly, but Null felt like it was stabbing him in the heart.

Red wings flared like a cloak in the wind, and golden blonde hair gleamed in the dim lighting. The eyes that he had fallen in love with regarded him with mischief. Null could feel himself start to hyperventilate but he forced it back, taking deep breaths to calm down. If he wanted to get out of this situation, he'd need to keep his brain working properly.

The girl who was being assaulted had gathered enough bearings to escape from the alley, running into a group of people who were exiting a nearby club. She collapsed on the ground bawling as she gestured towards the alley she had run from.

"I-I was attacked!" She wailed as her tears fell to the ground.

"He's still in there! I was saved by 2 people! One distracted him and I don't know what happened after that I-I just ran!" Her sobs had turned into hiccups now, the group that surrounded her peering cautiously into the alley. One guy had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around her trembling figure.

"Look, we should call the heroes. They'll deal with this, ok, miss?" A girl within the group said, pulling out her phone to do just that. The others covered her protectively, staring into the darkness as if her attacker could charge them at any moment.

"I don't think that'll be a problem." The devil that haunted his memories swooped down from where he hovered in the air, red feathers dragging the unconscious form of the attacker behind him. Inwardly, Null thanked the group for taking Hawks' attention away from him.

"It's Pro Hero Hawks!" A winning grin on his face at their recognition, Hawks gave a quick bow, as if a performer completing a show. In a sense, he was a performer. He played the role of a charming, trustworthy hero well. Null's heart beat heavily in his chest, and the hollow ache that had always been there only intensified. This was the man he had fallen for. The one that made him start loving himself again.

Flashes of warm hugs, stolen kisses, and passionate nights ran through his mind. Protective wings wrapped around him as they lay in each other's arms. Hushed whispers that told him that he was beautiful. That he was enough. Blinking away the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, Null raced from the rooftop, leaping from building to building in his rush to escape the memories that almost overcame him. The light of the bar district behind him, he was a shadow that many would ignore.

Too bad, a hero had his eyes on Null. A hero with inhuman eyesight. A bird's eye view indeed. Golden eyes followed the vigilante as he ran into the darkness. Comforting the civilian who wept into the jacket around her, pitifully thanking him, Hawks felt a spark of interest grow in him. So that was the vigilante Null. He'd have to speak to him sometime.

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