Burning Him Alive

Start from the beginning

Outside the furnace a wicked grin spreads across my face "Now you are going to go in the furnace and burn alive" We push the pig in and he closes the door.

I sigh in content as we hear his screams "I'd say we did pretty well" He chuckles and wraps his arm around me from behind "I'd say we did pretty really fucking well, I'm so proud of you".

My heart flutters at his last comment "This was pretty fun, I guess I can see your mention of love in this-whoa!" My legs drop but he catches me, I feel so dizzy I groan and curl into him as a wave of nausea hits me.

We don't say anything as he carries me all the way back to his bedroom and places me on the bed "Why am I so dizzy?" I feel something wet covering my fingers "What's that?" I ask "It's just some wet tissue to clean your fingers".

I feel him lay next to me and holds me, he's topless I can feel the heat from his body and feel his skin beneath my hand and the side of my face as my head is on his chest.

He strokes my hair "Hush, go to sleep you'll feel better tomorrow".

'I hope so'.

I fall into the dream world.


Today was amazing.

It went perfectly, even though I drugged her it showed her true desire.

I can't believe I'm holding her, but it won't be for long because soon I'll take her back to her place, I don't want her to wake up here and freak out. It's so tempting to keep her here, but I can't be selfish.

I only drugged her so she'll be relaxed and I wasn't sure that if I didn't drug her that she'd run away, I didn't want to take that chance. I was in awe when she asked for the saw, I only thought that she'd stab him to death or slice his throat.

She was evil and I loved every single second of her wickedness. When she asked me for help I was over the moon. I hope I don't have to drug her again for next time but if need be I'd do it again, I know it's wrong but I'll do whatever it takes for her to accept herself. Accept what she is.

I don't know if she'll remember what happened tomorrow, I hope she does so she'll know who she truly is and can no longer hide that innocent facade of hers, well to me she is but to the word she's a monster.

Her body fits perfectly with mine, she looks so peaceful I want to keep her here forever.

'Can I?'.

No I can't, well I can but the logical part of me is telling me no. I pull her closer to me inhaling her scent, feeling her body but not the parts that I desire to touch, I want her consent.

Oh the things I want to do to her. I feel the fucker twitch from the fantasies that flicker through my mind. I am a very kinky fucker, I want her to call me titles, I want her to be at my mercy begging on her knees looking at me with those beautiful emerald eyes.

I grunt. I need to stop.

'I need to take her home before I do something'.

I know that I only want to touch her with her consent but she's too fucking perfect, beautiful even with her flaws. She's like a fallen angel.

'Just one touch'.

Unknowingly I stroke her uncovered upper thigh as her work skirt had risen up. I don't like the work clothes, a black skirt that's just above her knee but just below her thigh and her shirt is a tight white almost see through button up.

When I visited the restaurant I could see the men and women's eyes on her with want. I wanted to torture the shit out of them for looking at my beloved.

She's for my eyes only. Actually looking at her outfit if she had a tie it would be a fun role play, I could be a professor and she could be a naughty school girl. I need to fucking stop, I've never moved away so quick as my hand went slightly higher.

I jump out of bed and get changed as quick as I can. Walking over to her side I pull her risen skirt back down respectively. Picking her up bridal style I take her to my car.

Opening the passenger door I gently place her in the seat and click the seat belt over her. Every now and then I look over to her, I hate the fact that I have to take her home.

Walking into the flat building I go to the fourth floor and enter her flat and place her on her bed. Jogging back to the car I didn't forget her bag. Back in her flat I place it on the hanger and walk back to her room.

I place her under the covers and look for a piece of paper, I see a diary, I guess I can rip out a page. Opening the diary I can't help but look at her last entry, I can be quite nosey.

I hate myself, I hate myself for feeling this way. I try to keep reminding myself that he's a killer but there's that part of me that wants to explore his world.

I pause as I hear the bed move, she just turned to the other side. I flip to the back of the diary and rip out the paper. Picking up the pen next to the book of thoughts I write.

Kissing her head I whisper.

"Goodnight my little ember".

(Sooo thoughts?)

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