chapter twenty-three

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The sunlight shines in through Brody's bedroom window as I climb out of bed, leaving Brody asleep.

After using the bathroom and freshening up, I make my way downstairs and pour myself a large cup of coffee as Colby sits watching me. He has barely left my side since I arrived here, he's such a incredible dog.

Grabbing a blanket from the cosy corner, I make my way outside to sit on the decking overlooking the beach. Colby snuggles his head into my lap once I'm sat and I gently run my fingers through his soft golden fur.

Thinking back over Saturday night, I find myself getting more angrier rather than upset over the situation. Unaware of everything with Ryan at the time, my mind replays every little moment or conversation between us, trying to find something that could have been obvious that he was using me and how stupid I was for letting him treat me poorly. I deserve so much better. I know that now.

Brody came to my side when I needed him that night, he didn't push me to speak or tell him what happened. He just took care of me, removed me from the situation and listened to me and for that I'll be forever grateful.

"There you are."

My head turns to see Brody pulling on a hoodie as he walks out onto the decking, coming to sit with us.

"You sleep okay?" His hand finds its way to my neck, his thumb circuling my skin.

"I think so. I just needed a minute."

My eyes watch the ocean before me, waves lapping onto the sand. I surprisingly feel calm this morning. Brody and his home have that effect on me.

"That's alright. How about I take you out for some breakfast? We can go into Hawthorne?"

"That sounds nice. I could do with some clothes while we are there if that's okay?"

"Of course baby. My treat."

I flick my eyes to meet his, a small smile appears on my lips as Brody leans into kiss my forehead. Closing my eyes at the gesture. I inhale, taking in Brody's warmth and the smell from his body wash. Colby whines inbetween us making me chuckle.

"Don't be jealous buddy, Scar has given you lots of cuddles already."

He barks making us laugh, I gently pat his head while he grins widely.

"Love you Colby." I whisper into his fur before my lips place a kiss on his head.

I look back up to Brody whos eyes are staring straight at me with a hint of adoration and a lot of love.

"Come on, let's get dressed." Taking my hand, he leads me back inside heading upstairs to change.


"You need anything else?" Brody asks as we walk hand in hand down the little main street in Hawthorne. We have just been in a few shops wear I bought some jeans and new underwear.

"Thank you for spending the day with me. You didn't have to take the day off work."

"Your welcome. I can fit my work in the rest of the week. I'll even work Saturday if needed."

My smile drops and Brody notices.

"Or not if you wanted to do something."

"No, I mean, yes-" I chuckle, trying to get my words out. Brody's brows furrow as he grins at me.

"I was going to drive down this weekend to see you that's all."

"Well alright then, no work this weekend as I'll be seeing my girl."

Starting OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora