chapter six

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We pull up outside Jim's just after sunset.

Being in Brody's truck with him so close is messing my body. The constant butterflies I get when I'm around him is unreal.

He jogs around to my side and opens the door placing his hand out like earlier so I can hop out.

I smile at the gesture. He is such a gentlemen and I really could get used to it.

His hand warms my lower back as he gestures me forward to the door. Walking in with Brody I know Charlotte will have so many questions for me.

"Hey guys, you made it." Justins pulls me into a hug and shakes hands with Brody. Charlotte wiggles her brows at me as I shake my head chuckling.

"Would you like a drink?" Brody's breath tickles my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"A beer, please." He nods at me and heads towards the bar with Justin.

"Alright, you have 30 seconds to spill! What the hell is going on with you two?" Charlotte pulls me into the booth where I tell her everything from dancing with Brody at her engagement party and our almost kiss, to our beach meetings and lastly our coffee dates.

Are they dates? I have no idea.

No other man has asked me to come for coffee or to see his house before.

"You like him." Charlotte smiles at me. "I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Brody Matthews is perfect for you."

"We are just friends. We're hanging out. I barely just got out of my last relationship, I don't want to jump too fast into another one. I don't even really know him."

"Well, all I know is that Brody is a nice guy. He has been there for me and Justin and I like that he is spending time with you while your here."

"Here you go." Brody places my drink down infront of me and I give him a tight lipped smile.

Is that what these feelings are? I'm feeling lonely and I just want someone to be there. The first guy that pays me attention and I find myself wanting to spend everyday with him.

I feel Brody squeeze into the booth next to me, his warm arm brushing mine making those damn butterflies start up again.

He nudges my shoulder gently making me look up at him.

"Everything alright?"

I nod, "Yeah."

By the end of the night I definitely relaxed more. I needed a few drinks to loosen me up and get me out of my head a little. I haven't spoken much to Brody tonight, I wanted to give myself a little space from him to make sense of these feelings. Plus I wanted to have a good night with my best friend too.

Charlotte is currently sat on Justin's lap, her arms thrown around his neck whispering in his ear.

"I think we will head off now, Charlotte is wasted." Justin stands, half carrying his fiancé and I chuckle at the sight.

I still when I feel Brody's fingers touch my arm.

"Hey, can I drive you?" He hopefully gazes into my eyes, a seriousness falls over his face. "Please?"

I nod at him.

"I'll give Scar a ride, you two go ahead." Brody announces to the others.

"No worries, see you in the morning Scar." Justin waves as he carefully carries Charlotte in his arms.

We follow behind them and head towards Brody's truck.

Once we set off, I keep my gaze looking out of the window trying to ease my mind that is running wild due to these new feelings. He does seem like a nice guy, maybe I should just see what he is thinking about us hanging out.

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