chapter seventeen

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This is just another reason I love Brody.

He knows how to make me happy.

The view infront of me is amazing. Stood in his large bathroom, candles scatter the floor surrounding the free standing single tub, which is directly infront of the best view in the house by far.

The beach.

He knows I love the beach, he knows I had a long day yesterday and he genuinely wants to take care of me. The view from here isn't that hard to see as it's not dark out yet, you can hear the waves through the long window which has an opening at the top.

"I thought you would maybe want a relaxing night after all that driving yesterday and-"

I turn and crash my lips onto Brody's, cutting him off from talking. His hands catch me and wrap around my waist tightly.

"I love you." I whisper to him as we part. My face still nearly touching his.

"I love you too."

"Will you be joining me?"

"Yes, if that's alright?"

I nod eagerly as I turn to look at the view one more time.

"How did I not know about this view before?"

"Well I don't think we really needed to spend time in the bathroom before, we always just showered in my ensuite as it was easier."

"True." I blush as the memory of us showering together flashes through my mind.

"I brought your bag upstairs so you have your things if you need them."

"I just need a hair clip and fresh underwear."

I squat, reaching into the bag as Brody pulls his t-shirt over his head. I can't help put stare at his defined body as he stretches. Watching him carefully as he starts to undo his jeans, sliding them down his thighs, leaving him in his black boxers.

Heat creeps onto my cheeks as I admire Brody, biting my lip in the process. I clear my throat and carry on searching in my bag, completely losing track of what I was actually doing.

Twisting my hair up and setting it in place with my claw clip, I shrug off the flannel shirt I'm wearing, well Brody's shirt actually, and slip my dress off over my head. I catch Brody's eyes gazing down my body before meeting my face. Our eyes locked on each other as I unclasp my bra and let it fall to the ground.

Brody's adams apple bobs as he gulps, remaining silent but his eyes never leaving mine. The tension in the air is thick and never have I felt more connected to someone, the intimacy without actually touching each other.

I slowly pull my panties down leaving me stood bare infront of him.

"Fuck." He mutters, walking towards me and taking my hands in his, pulling me infront of the tub. One hand snakes around to my back as one stays holding my hand, guiding me into the tub.

My feet hit the warm water filled with bubbles and a moan escapes from my throat. As I carefully sit, Brody's hand leaves mine as I turn my head facing him.

Pulling his boxers down his cock springs out as I grin up to his face.

"I can't not get hard when my beautiful girlfriend is stood naked infront me."

I blush turning my body forwards inline with the beach view infront of me, as Brody sinks his body into the tub behind me.


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