chapter sixteen

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"Alright buddy, Scar will be here soon."

I pat Colby's head as I sit with him on the cosy corner.

I'm too excited to see my girl. I know it's only been a day really, but I can't wait until she comes over and we can spend night together. She spent the night with Charlotte at her parents and I hope she had a good night.

She text me last night after she drove back, which was later than expected but I guess she hit some traffic with it being a Monday evening. I've had so many jobs on today that I haven't had chance to call her, hence why I'm happy she will be here soon for the night.

I haven't booked any jobs in until midday tomorrow either, so at least I can enjoy our time together when we wake up. I would love to take a shower with her again, although I don't want to be that guy tonight. I want to show her my loving side. The side of me that no one gets.

A knock at the door brings me to my feet as Colby barks. He sits patiently by the door while I go to open it.

"Hi beautiful."

Scarlett Jones will be the death of me. Stood on my doorstep wearing a little powder blue dress with my navy checked flannel shirt over the top and her Chucks on her feet. Her hair blowing backwards from the slight breeze and her skin glowing, like she has caught a slight tan while we've have been having some warmer days.

"Hey, can you grab this please it's heavy." She huffs, holding out a large overnight bag. I chuckle stepping towards her, taking the bag from her hands.

"Come on." I place a kiss on her forehead as my hand snakes around her waist.
I guide her into the hallway, my hand on her lower back as I set her bag down.

"Hey, I missed you." She kneels to the ground as Colby darts forward into her arms. My smile grows when I see her around Colby, she really loves him.

Patting his head, she stands and looks up to me quickly.

"I missed you too." She reaches up on her toes and places a kiss on my cheek.

There is something so innocent about Scarlett, the way she carries herself and how she speaks. I think it's one of the main reasons I was first interested in her. Not to mention how beautiful she is.

"I cooked us dinner if that's okay?"

"Yes, thank you."

I lace my fingers in hers as I walk her to the island. She gasps slightly with the view infront of her.

I bought her flowers, we have a bottle of wine chilling and I've lit some candles around the counter.

"You did all of this for me?"

She steps forward as I follow her, my front pressing up to her back as I rest my hands on her shoulders.

"I just wanted to show you how much I love you." I kiss her head as she turns in my hold. I don't miss that her eyes aren't meeting mine and she is playing with the edge of my flannel shirt that she is wearing.

"Brody, I-"

She is cut off by the timer ringing, letting me know that our dinner is ready.

"Take a seat and I'll serve our dinner." Planting another kiss on her forehead I step round her and head to the oven. She jumps up onto her stool as I plate everything up.

"It's chicken and veg baked in a garlic tomato sauce with potatoes." I tell Scar as I place her plate infront of her.

"Thank you. It smells wonderful."

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