chapter three

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Standing to the side of the bar, watching Charlotte and Justin mingle with everyone, my mind wanders again to my own relationship.

I finally received a text from Ryan telling me to not drink too much tonight. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me as I'm at a party and I am currently on my second glass of champagne.

"Scarlett! There you are." Charlotte comes into view as I smile at her.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just want you to come and have a photo with us."

"Sure, lead the way."

She grabs my hand which isn't holding my drink and pulls me across to dancefloor to a backdrop set up with their names in white neon lights surrounded by tiny flowers.

Everything looks so magical.

Charlotte literally makes me smile so much. Her obession for intricate details and everything being perfect is what makes her Charlotte.

"Scarlett this is Brody, Justin's best man. Brody this is Scarlett, my maid of honour. I don't know if you two will recognize each other from school, it has been a while and Brody and Justin are four years older than us."

Trust me, if I had seen this handsome man before I would know.

My breath catches in my throat as my eyes take Brody in. He is tall, at least 6'2. The navy suit he is wearing fits him to perfection, tight on his biceps and shoulders and his dark hair pushed back on the top of his head. A light stubble covers his cheeks and I find my fingers itch to touch it.

"Scarlett Jones." His deep voice catches my attention, and the fact he knows my full name, therefore clearly recognizes me in some way.

"Yes. Sorry I don't-" As I start shaking my head, he places a very large hand infront of me.

"Brody Matthews."

I smile, still not recognising him. Placing my small hand in his,  I don't miss the smile he flashes my way or the warmth travelling up my arm as he gently shakes my hand.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's have that photo." Charlotte pulls me and Brody in closer as we all pose for a few photos.

"And now you two. Our maid of honour and best man." Charlotte and Justin leave to stand at the side of the photographer as I'm left with Brody not knowing what to do.

"Yeah, sure." He casually says as his large hand warms my lower back while we smile at the camera. A tingling sensation rushes through my body at his light touch. I can smell the woody smell of his aftershave as his breath hits my cheek as he speaks.

The photographer nods letting us know she got the shot before we move aside, allowing other guests to have their picture taken.

I glance up to Brody who is already staring down at me. A blush rises on my cheeks at the realisation that his large warm hand is still attached to my lower back.

I stare up into his deep hazel eyes and a shy smile covers my lips. He is intoxicating.

"Would you like to get another drink?"

He points at my nearly empty glass, making me glance down then back up at him.


Brody leads us to the bar where he grabs a beer and another glass of champagne for me.

"Thank you."

"So, you having a good night so far?" He takes a sip of his beer and licks the wetness from his lips after. I can't seem to stop looking, at this point I'm pratically staring.

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