Chapter 4 - powerless

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Trigger warning: mentions of physical abuse 

Jade POV

When I wake up in the morning I feel the worst headache I have ever had. The light shining in through the windows burns my eyes, so I quickly pull the covers over my them. My body feels like I've been hit by a big bus, my head is about to burst. I would love to close my eyes again, keep the blanket over my head, black out the windows and go back to sleep, if it weren't for another nice side effect that forces me to get out of bed.

My path leads me with my hand pressed over my mouth straight to the bathroom, where I spend the next ten minutes throwing up all the alcohol from last night. That's always the downside of drinking, though it's rare enough that I react that way. Only when it was a lot or with certain drinks. Tequila shots seem to be one of them.

"Oh my God," I moan softly as I sit down on the bath and put my forehead in my hands.

"Shit," I curse softly as I touch my cheek. I've managed to avoid looking in the mirror so far, I don't know yet how bad I look after last night, even if I can guess. Judging by the feeling in my cheek, though, I can imagine what it looks like. To make sure how much make-up I have to put on so that the spot doesn't show, I dare to lift my head and look in the mirror after all, and I'm immediately startled. I should have got used to my hungover appearance by now, but it always comes as a shock. The thick circles under my eyes are almost worse than the red, swollen cheek. 

Annoyed, I take a deep breath before leaving the bathroom shaking my head. I don't know what time it is, but judging by the sun's rays everywhere, it's long past time for me to start my day, which like any other will be packed with appointments, even if I don't have a single clue of my schedule right now. The only thing I can say with certainty is that I won't be able to do anything today with this hangover and this headache. What I desperately need right now are pills. The ones I always take to get awake and fit and able to concentrate. Only they're not here, they're in the kitchen.

So, grunting to myself, I get up, hold my head for a moment as I see black dots, and then slowly trot across the flat to my kitchen to get to my pills and am scared out of my wits.

"Good morning, princess," he greets me and I wince.

"Jesus, what the fuck," I curse, struggling to calm my breathing when I see him, but he just laughs.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, eyeing me as if he knows exactly. It shows in my face, after all.

"Great," I say sarcastically. "Ready to start the day." Groaning, I sit down, holding my pounding head as he sets a cup of coffee down for me.

"Drink, it helps," he prompts me and without comment I take the cup and take two sips before only now noticing who is standing here in my kitchen.

"Why are you here, anyway?" it bubbles out of me before I can really think about it. His eyes widen and he hesitates for a second to answer, as if waiting for the punch line, as if he's not sure if I'm serious.

"How much did you drink last night?" he asks, shaking his head, still with that incredulous look.

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