Chapter 2 - It's complicated

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Really thrilled that you liked the first chapter so much! So I thought, why not, I'll give you the next one right away. I've finished the first few chapters, but unfortunately not so many. So this story's updates will come a bit slower...I'll just update as I go :)

Narrator POV

The next morning, her phone rings her awake far too early. Groaning, she rolls out of bed, rummages on her bedside table for her phone to be able to switch off the terribly loud noise. Without even being able to open her eyes because she is far too tired, she answers it.

"Hello?" she says in a scratchy, sleepy voice.

"Jade? Are you still in bed?" she hears the misjudged voice of her manager.

"What time is it?" she asks, rubbing her eyes frantically to make them easier to open.

"Five am, you're late," he explains tersely. She groans loudly. How can it be her life to be constantly late just because she doesn't get up in the middle of the night?

The fitting with Zach last night took forever. As it turned out, not only was he planning her outfit for the festival, but he was also laying out all the outfits for important appointments for the next few days that also needed to be fitted. They were busy until 1am and by then she hadn't eaten or showered. She decided to rely on her good old dry shampoo, just rinse off her body, forego food as she so often does, and instead prefer to wash down a sleeping pill with a glass of red wine so she could at least get some sleep. Sleep, she realised, is the most precious thing she is denied far too often. She always had problems falling asleep, could not get to sleep quickly, often lay awake for hours and used all kinds of toxic tactics to also stay awake.

Over the years in Little Mix, with all the jet lag and the far too frequent short nights, this did improve, but only minimally. Basically, even then, she was usually the only one lying awake far too long. With the break and her solo debut, this condition only got worse, until at some point it was no longer sustainable, because she only dragged herself from appointment to appointment like a zombie. A quick solution was needed. She forgot about any herbal remedies and went straight for the good stuff. Triazolam was her miracle cure, her constant companion. Technically, the drug can only be taken for a few weeks at a time, but Jade has been taking it for many months because she simply cannot function without it. Accordingly, she can finally fall asleep quickly and, on top of that, sleep through the night, which has been a game changer in her life and career. Stupidly, however, she was basically always woken up before the effect time was even over, so waking up was often a barely manageable hurdle.

"What am I late for again?" she picks up, still half asleep.

"Since you promised Harry yesterday that you'd take the whole day off for him, we've had to reschedule your appointments. The dance rehearsals have been moved to this morning," her manager explains choppily.

"If I'm supposed to have the day off, why don't I have the day off?" she questions annoyed.

"Because your schedule absolutely won't allow it. Aiden told me that you guys aren't as far along with the choreography as you should be. Consider what's coming up in the next few days and weeks," he reminds her and she just shakes her head. Of course Aiden said that.

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