Ch 37 - Happy Family

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Shinso stared at the papers on his desk while his coffee got cold.

He sighed and pulled out his phone for the tenth time. Nothing. He wasn't expecting today to be much different, though. It had been months since he last saw (Y/N)'s face. She'd been right there in his office too.

Not a week went by after Yo's arrest and (Y/N) left letters for everyone that she would be "taking time to recover." Those letters were sent to her mother, Tamaki, Mirio Togata, Shoto Todoroki, and himself. There was no location provided or any other explanation.

At first, Shinso found it perfectly acceptable. She'd been through enough, and honestly, her old peer group hadn't been a healthy scene. He spoke to them every so often to keep tabs and it seemed like they were all relieved the heat was off Todoroki and Bakugo...

Did they truly not believe (Y/N)? Or was it just heroes prioritizing quirks again?


Shinso sipped his lukewarm coffee and grimaced. The only ones who were not enjoying this were the very people (Y/N) sent the letters to.

He shoved away from his desk and took a walk about his office. A month wasn't so bad, but three? How was he to know if she was okay if she didn't answer her phone? Not like she'd been the best at it before...

The last time (Y/N) was here, he almost slipped and exposed his little crush on her. Three years was a long time to still think about a girl, especially when she had been across the country. He'd gone on dates, but he unintentionally compared them all to her.

Then, she came back.

Shinso smirked, remembering how he'd found (Y/N) at Yo's. It wasn't how he wanted to reunite with her but it still made his heart skip.


The white kitten he rescued had turned into a cat overnight. Must have been all the snacks. It crept from its comfy bed in the corner and lept onto his desk. Shinso grinned, recognizing the demand for pets.

"You miss her too, huh?" He asked, tickling the cat's ears. It groaned and flicked its tail at his hand.

Shinso chuckled. "Hm. Sassy too."

He knew how hard it was to rise up against the powerhouses at UA. At least (Y/N) had gotten into the hero course. Her looks kept most bullies away, but Shinso heard the muttering about her quirk being "too weak." She didn't know him at the time, but he admired her casually from afar; her work ethic, stubbornness, temper...

Until he couldn't stand Bakugo's shit anymore.

Was history repeating itself? Had (Y/N) gone silent because her loved ones were threatened by the same man? Or was she simply hiding and recouping?

Katsuki Bakugo...

Just then, someone came knocking on his door. Shinso straightened up his paperwork, quickly shoving a photo of Bakugo into a folder. "Come in."

He raised a brow at the young Todoroki. Shoto never had a cheerful face these days but today he looked especially disgruntled.

"It's been three months, Shinso," Shoto said, "This is wrong."

"Good morning, Todoroki."

"Don't give me that." Shoto tried intimidating him in his office by standing tall over the desk. "Why haven't you done anything?"

"You're the hero, Todoroki. Why haven't you done anything?"

"I have!"

Shinso rubbed his dry eyes. He hadn't slept a wink. The normal bags under his eyes were beginning to look like he put eye shadow on with how deep and dark they got.

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