Ch 30 - Witch Hunt

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- now -

"I don't know what to do, Tamaki..."

I laid next to him on his hospital bed, curled up like a cat. The handsome face of my brother was still dormant; peacefully unaware of the world around him.

The bed sucked. I felt bad for him - for a lot of reasons.

Still. I unloaded my woes on him, even if he couldn't respond. He had always been a good ear for my problems, whenever I let him. The last three years all I wanted was to be alone, but now I had no Tamaki, no mom...

There was Mirio. He was always so busy, though. If not saving my ass then everyone else's. And Yo. I wasn't sure about Shinso anymore.

"What do I do..." I mumbled, "You're the older brother, you're supposed to impart some elderly wisdom or something, right?"

I peered up at him. The soft noises from the plug pushing air up his nose was weirdly comforting.

"That's why you have to wake up... okay?" I clung to his blanket, "You don't get to leave yet. Not when your little sister needs you. If you wake up, I promise I won't be as much of a slut anymore... no, I can't promise but I'll try."

Yo text me that he was coming by but I had forgotten. While we, mostly me, listened to some boring tv in the room, a knock at the door startled me from the hospital bed.

"Yo..." I sighed, "H-Hey."

Tall, dark-hair, and sexy walked in, still looking like a patient himself with all the bandages. He chuckled, "Did I spook you? Sorry. How's he doing?"

"Not much has changed," I frowned, standing beside my brother's bed now, "Do you think he'll remember his attacker's face if he wakes up?"

Yo took my hand and kissed the knuckles, "Not sure. He could have some amnesia."

I nodded, "I keep thinking I should stay but... what if I'm making things worse? I think all my friends hate me."

Yo scoffed, "What're you talking about? Who hates you?"

I explained the growing suspicion amongst my old classmates. It was already awkward years back when I tried convincing them that Bakugo had kidnapped me. I wasn't sure if they actually didn't believe me or didn't want to believe it. Momo admitted those feelings herself...

Her death only made things worse with everyone. I could feel their accusations even when I wasn't with them. Running into Midoriya crying and pissed was the icing on my shitty cake.

Then, FatGum recently text me suggesting that I avoid Endeavor - if that wasn't a daunting request!

Dinner with Bakugo made us look like a couple of floozies in the alley. I was positive that solidified a few opinions as well. Uraraka's face was still burned in my memory. Even Yo didn't know about that yet.

I hesitated to share the details, and as soon as I said Bakugo's name, Yo's face burned red.

"What were you thinking?" He snapped, "(Y/N) come on... it's Bakugo. You've been terrified of him since he got here."

"I needed to prove something, and I did," I said, "He wasn't the one..."

"Isn't Shinso doing the investigation?"

"Yeah. I'm sure he hates me now, too."

Yo did a half circle about the room, deeply contemplating something. Probably regretting ever hooking up with me. I could hear his heavy breathing like a mad bull.

"Yo, I..." my eyes popped open at the sudden movement from my brother's hand. It could've been a twitch, but then I saw his other finger raise too. His face still hadn't changed, but I could feel him trying to reach out to us.

Belladonna (Yanderes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now