Ch 17 - Dine and Dash

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"What? Can't a guy go shopping in the city?" Sero asked.

"Where's Kaminari," I said.

The blond disappeared from my sight, thanks to this idiot. Sero smirked. His black hair was flat against his head, almost like he actually styled it today.

"Kaminari? You two have plans?"

"No. I saw him come this way."

"That's confusing," he chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He turned around and gestured to a clothing store behind him, "I didn't have anything to wear to the funeral. Figured a new suit wouldn't hurt. My old ones don't fit as well, see, I got a little bigger in jail."

Sero wasn't commenting about his weight in the gut area. He was drawing my attention to the fact that he, and probably all of them, beefed up while locked up. His exposed forearms and tape-wheel elbows revealed enough of what the rest of his body looked like now.

I took a deep breath. They couldn't intimidate me...

"Since you're here, why not have some dinner?" He asked, "That one spot we used to go to together. That's where Kaminari is headed, anyway..."

Sero noticed my immediate disgust and gave me a weak smile, "What? You're curious, aren't you? You have questions. That's why you ran after Kaminari - all by yourself."

"I don't need a guard dog," I snapped.

"Sure, but c'mon, I'm not gonna do anything," Sero shrugged, "Have any of us really tried anything, (Y/N)? Let's just talk."

This had "trap" written all over it. Even being this close to him was making my stomach tighten. I did have questions but like hell, they would give me honest answers.

Sero sighed, "So skeptical. That's fine. I'll start walking this way, and if you wanna talk, you can follow behind me. You don't even have to hold my hand."

His toothy grin fueled my rage, but he was being serious. He slowly turned and left, only glancing back once.

Why did I want to follow?

Don't... I scolded myself. Don't you fucking dare.

Shinso said I could do some investigating but I didn't want the Bakusquad getting comfortable around me. I didn't want to let my guard down either.

If I went back to my hotel, one of them might see, if they hadn't already. Pretty sure Kaminari followed me since the park.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. It was a public place. Probably safe...

Still stupid.

Sero was about to cross a busy street and I still hadn't moved. I opened my phone and sent the location of the restaurant to Shinso.

You know, just in case.

I left my phone on with the video before slipping it back into my pocket. Might as well get a confession or something for Shinso to use later.

Sero looked back and saw me a few yards away. He smiled and hummed to himself but continued walking.

"Was that so hard?" He asked.

"Another smart ass comment and I'm gone," I said, "When did you start smoking, anyway."

"Heh, when it became the only entertaining thing to do in jail. That and think about what I'd do when I saw you again."

He had to add that creepy bit just as we reached the restaurant.

Sero opened the door, letting the warm and savory smells from inside entice me, like the witch's house in Hansel and Gretel. There was still time to back out. I just had to turn around and keep walking. Sero's casual stance didn't waver like he had all the patience in the world.

Belladonna (Yanderes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now