Ch 1 - The Boys Are Back in Town

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AN: Heyo! It's true, author is full of crap 😂 So much 💩
I started writing another fanfic cuz apparently I enjoy chaos and self-sabotage.

This story will be more adult - like right away... 😂 Sensitive readers may want to stay back, especially if you are against character deaths 😬 Again, right away. This will be sorta like a sexy, murder mystery..? 🧐

It's still Y/N, reader insert, but I'm writing in first person this time because frankly I'm out of practice 😅

Some lemons 🍋 I think? I don't know yet? I'll leave a warning or chapter heading to skip stuff. Anyway, enjoy!


Slight sexy scene 😂 ⚠️


Yo Shindo had a death grip on my thighs as he slammed into me with the finishing blow. I bit down hard on my bottom lip as to stifle my own climax. The pleasure, that warm, stimulating release was a high at this point; never long enough and I always needed more.

He bowed his head of thick, dark hair into the crook of my neck, breathing heavily and tickling my sensitive skin. My legs quivered around his middle as he slowly slid himself out of me. The little gasp I made once I was empty of him made him chuckle.

"Wow..." he planted a soft kiss on my collarbone between breaths, "Closet sex... is my new favorite."

His body still hummed with a gentle vibration. Yes, vibrating. He was a man and a sex toy tied into one, to my satisfaction and his large ego. We found some creative uses for his destructive quirk.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. The tingling from his hands were driving me crazy with overstimulation and I shooed him off, "That's what you said about your car, and the men's room, and-"

"Okay! I like sex with you," he scoffed, "So, when are you gonna let me take you on a real date, Amajiki?"

I've had my fair share of casual sex by now, but Yo set the bar high. He struggled to readjust himself into his pants. I watched him tighten his buckle while I pulled my tight dress back down. The closet we had snuck into at this party looked unused, so we fixed that...

We were getting pretty good at sneaking around.

"Oh boy..." I looked away while fixing my hair next.

"What? You're into me, right? I'm definitely into you. What's the problem?" He asked.

"I knew it," I hooked one of my shoes around my heel that fell loose. Someone's coat kept hitting my face and I smacked it, "We agreed," I said.

"It's dinner, (Y/N)," Shindo buttoned his shirt.

"It's not just dinner and you know it."

He suddenly moved to trap me against the wall again with his body. I didn't let him intimidate me, but we both knew I kind of liked it rough. "We've been fucking for half a year now," he sighed, "I just wanna treat you right. Plus I like you."

"I like you too," I smiled, "I like our relationship how it is..."

"I want more."


His cunning brown eyes leered into mine, "Will you tell me when you finally want a man in your life and not just his dick?"

"But your dick is fantastic," I blinked innocently, which brought a smirk to his face even as he tried to be upset. "I will let you know. You'll likely receive a call from a medium as I have passed on into the afterlife."

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